Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Enough already

I almost shut the Grapevine down, actually it was to be Friday, but I have decided to keep it around and see how it goes without comments, because comments are the real bane of my existence.

I spend most of the day moderating comments. For every one comment you see here, there are four that come in that are libelous, stupid or insulting. I don't have the time for that anymore. Every time the computer clicks or I look at my iPhone and there are gobs of comments, I cringe.

The Grapevine is here as a community service, the money that comes in from ads every month is not worth the headaches. We have never published for money. Ever.

Just yesterday, a friend told me that I like to be controversial so I get comments, and this was the last straw. I have been told by someone else, "Tom, you like to be controversial because it's good for business." I thought controversy is bad for business.

To tell you the truth, I hate comments and I have never written hoping to get lots of comments. Comment moderating is a full time job, and so is the Grapevine. I am at long boring meetings, community events and other things all day and night, just to get news for this page, I don't have a life anymore. My friends don't like to come to the Grove, so I never see them because I am always in the Grove doing something and cannot leave and do other things.

But that is going to change. You may not see every Grove event here and you may actually see a "Gone Fishing" sign up for when I just don't feel like being here.

But for now, we are starting with no comments. If something has to be said by you, please email the comment.

One other thing, when I write, I sit down and the words flow out, I really don't know how. I don't twist and turn every word or sentence trying to get the best umph out of it or the best dig at someone, I honestly don't do that. It's like when an artist sits in front of a canvas or a musician at a piano, it just happens, it just comes out. So if I have said specific things in certain ways that offends people, please know I just write what is on my mind, I am not sitting here trying to spin it in any special way. I am not shy about saying it as I feel it. I don't hide behind craftily spun words, it's all out there, just as I hear it in my brain. Maybe I need to edit myself more, but it is not ever done to be malicious.

Imagine 100 comments coming in daily and 90 of them being negative or threatening. Who needs that crap? I don't publish them all, but I have to read them, but no more. Enough. One major problem with the Grove is the negative asses, and there are many. Too many.

Thank you.

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