The main reason may have been that the two mayoral candidates, Tomás Regalado and Joe Sanchez, were thought to be speaking, but they weren't, but if this is any proof that we need a new mayor real fast, I don't know what is.
The Village Council is shown on cable and on the internet whenever they meet at City Hall. Last night the candidates all showed up, the lights were on, the building was open, so they City knew what was going on, so they allowed the meeting to take place, but would not allow it to be broadcast. Is this censorship? I am wondering.
This was quite rude to all concerned. Some of the candidates were nervous (they told me beforehand) and it just goes to prove that the old saying, "90 percent of the things we worry about never come to pass." In other words, they had no reason to be nervous. They never got their time to shine.
The candidates ended up staying and getting to know each other outside the public's prying tv and cable eyes.
Maybe there will be another opportunity to speak at a future date. There is talk of the candidates introducing themselves at a Village of Center Grove meeting next week, but it's not the same as being broadcast on tv and the internet.
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