Mack Cycle in South Miami has sent out the following letter to their customers. Since when is Mack Cycle, a business in South Miami, choosing the laws for the Grove? If they cared about the Grove, they would have a store in the Grove.
And if they are dictating when bars can open and close are they going to go after Brickell and downtown clubs that are also in the City of Miami and open to 5 am and even 7 am? And what about South Beach and other areas? I am sure their customers are from those areas, as well.
We will soon have three bike shops in the Grove when the new one opens at McDonald and Grand (there is also Revolution on Main Highway and SoFlo Skate Shop that sells and works on bikes further up Grand). And in the works is a bike rental place. So we'll actually have four locations.
Why do we even need Mack Cycle and why are they even in our business? Does Mack Cycle think bicyclists are going to avoid the Grove because of bar closing times? I would think that their customers would resent their meddling and and bullying tactics. I think they do because quite a number of them actually sent me the email that went out, and these customers are quite upset.
And of course, the letter sent out is peppered with lies. Not all PTA's, churches and schools even know what the issue is about, so I doubt they have weighed in on the issue and as for MADD, if you ask anyone if they would like to have their children hit by drunk drivers, they of course are going to respond frantically. So throwing in the PTA, schools and MADD is just inciting the issue and using scare tactics, which is pathetic. If you word the question in the right way, anyone would be against anything.
Officer Guell and Chief Timoney have both been hit by cars in the Grove on their bikes during the day. Should we maybe stop serving alcohol altogether? Perhaps Mack Cycle is trying to get all the Grove's customers to go to South Miami and drink all night? Then they can all drive home drunk after spending all their money in South Miami, while the Grove dies out.
This is what Mack Cycle is sending to their customers, again do they realize all of Miami (except the Grove, actually has 5 am and 7 am and 24 hour bar closings already?):
"Did you know that there is a bill pending in the City of Miami to extend bar openings to 5 am? That means drunk drivers on the road while you are training! You can help prevent this from happening and make the roads safer for all of us and other early risers. Please join MADD by copying this email and sending to Commissioner Marc Sarnoff of City of Miami."
Here is the letter:
Dear Commissioner Marc Sarnoff,
"On behalf of the hundreds of cyclists who ride the streets of Coconut Grove, I am writing to express my great concern that the City of Miami is considering extending the sale of alcohol by bars and restaurants in Coconut Grove till 5 am. One of the main reasons so many cyclists ride through the Grove is, quite simply, we feel safe. Quite a number of us have had close calls with drivers in other parts of the City and are grateful that the roads are safer in Coconut Grove. We fear that will change if you allow drinking to continue till 5 am.
Anyone leaving the bars at this time will be on the road at the very same time many of us are beginning our rides. This is unacceptable to us and we respectfully request that you consider the safety of citizens when making this important decision. Miami was recently named one of the un-friendliest cycling cities in the nations.
We applaud you decision to adopt the Bicycle Action Plan in an effort to change that. Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and nearly every local church and school PTA are united with us in this effort to keep the Coconut Grove Bar closures at 3 am. The cycling community of South Florida is following this issue very closely and we sincerely appreciate your support and commitment to keeping our roads safe. Please support keeping the Coconut Grove Bar closure at 3 am.
Thank you for standing by your principles."
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