Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Don't bite the hands of those working for your benefit

Someone left a comment on one of the posts saying that he can't be part of committees or go to meetings because he has to work and he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth like the rest of us who actually attend meetings and do things to make the Grove happen.

I find that very insulting because it is always the same handful of people doing all the work and this handful of people actually work 60 hours a week or more and are not some rich silver spooned born people getting involved out of boredom. Even the politicians have full time jobs -- those on the Village Council and City Commission.

I know one person who gets to work at 5:30 am to run her business and is involved with almost every committee and group in town. I have seen her at meeting at 10 pm and then up again working at 5:30 am. She literally has been at four meetings in one day.

Others run bars and restaurants -- they get home at 4 am and I see them at Merchants Meetings the next day at 9:30 am. I also see them at Village Council meetings and Bed Race meetings and Pow Wow meetings. And while this is going well beyond the call of duty, that is what they choose to do.

It is because of them that we have a Bed Race and the King Mango Strut and the big 4th of July celebration and Bike Day, the Arts Festival and the Art Stroll and why we have Code 33 and so on.

It is because these people choose to participate that we actually have a thriving village. They fit all of this in between their full time jobs, family and busy lives.

If you choose not to participate in what goes on around here, fine. If your office is far away and you cannot get to meetings, fine. If you want to sleep in the morning rather than attend a clean up or planting or breakfast meeting, fine.

But don't put down the folks who actually do show up as being born with silver spoons in their mouths with nothing else to do. That is a total put down and is a foolish thing to say. These people are actually the reason you live in the Grove, because they make the Grove what the Grove is.

And for those of you interested in participating, I list all open to the public upcoming meetings here in the Grapevine or in the Calendar of Events. All you have to do is show up. Consider this your engraved invitation.

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