Thursday, May 7, 2009

A voice from the past regarding St. Stephen's Church

Two emails received, written by John Pistorino, now living in Pinecrest:

"Its amazing how a unthinking and uncaring pastor and architect can destroy our past without any remorse. I know those who helped fund and build St. Stephen's new church on McFarlane in the '50s did so with the understanding that the old church would always be preserved. Even with the destruction of the old wood parish hall in the '60s Father Hanna assured that the original church would always be a fixture for St. Stephen's. Now it seems the new generation has no respect for our history and is only greedy for the money the shops on Main Highway will bring. It's sad that all of what was built with love and care by the church's predecessors can so easily be cast aside by those entrusted with its future. Shame on Pastor Wilifred Faiella and the "architect" for allowing this to happen. Thanks to Ava Parks Moore for trying to talk sense to these senseless people."

and this:

"In the 1940s and in the 1950s I actually sang in the choir and was an alter boy in the old church. It was crowed and we always had outside seating. In fact I have a picture of me in my alter server robes standing in front of the old church in 1950 [shown here, with Father Hanna]. I remember the construction of the new church on McFarland and all of the money my parents donated to help build that church. I also served in the new church as an alter server until 1959 when I left for college. The many friends we had and the clergy assured that the old church would always be a "pillar" of the St. Stephan's parrish. My parents remained members until they died.

I am so disappointed and so sick that they did this to a part of Miami. The original buildings are still standing at Ransom Everglades and the Plymouth Church is still standing a few block away. What the heck was that architect thinking? They do teach respect for historic buildings in classes when you are studying for a degree."

Part of the on-going St. Stephen's saga

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