Sunday, April 14, 2013

Taste of the Grove rained out

If I was a betting man, I would bet against the Great Taste of the Grove every year. Not so much against the festival itself, but against it happening without buckets of rain coming down.

I'm still not quite sure why the Chamber moved the Taste from January to April, but ever since they did, it seems to be the worst time to have it, as it gets rained out for a big part of the weekend's event.

Our neighborhood was inundated with rain yesterday and we needed kayaks to navigate the streets until late in the day, so I never did make it to Peacock Park for the Great Taste. I assume it was all flooded out anyway at Peacock Park anyway, as I had friends who were working the event, sending me reports.

A fire truck had to come here to rescue one neighbor from her car, others walked blocks through the floods, leaving their cars behind, just to get home, they went back later to retrieve their cars.

Today is another day and the Great Taste of the Grove is on again from noon to 7 pm. 

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