You've heard of a Flash Mob no doubt, well, have you heard about a Cash Mob? I didn't either, until Louis Del Borrello, the Grove Ambassador, told me about it.
A Cash Mob is where a bunch of people (hopefully all of you), show up at a particular business on a particular day and spend $10 or more, which helps a locally owned business. Just $10 will make a difference.
The concept was created by an attorney named Andrew Samtoy. You can actually get the whole story on Cash Mobs here.
Our goal is to start Cash Mobs in Coconut Grove. Louis suggested the Silverado store on Fuller Street as a candidate, we approached Jacquie and she agreed that it would be a super idea. So the first Coconut Grove Cash Mob is going to be held on Saturday, June 23 from noon to 8 pm. That's Jacquie, L'etoile and Louis above.
Cash Mobs are usually in a lesser time period, but we'll give Silverado the whole day to do business with you Cash Mobbers, who hopefully will mob Silverado in droves and spend money.
The rules are simple:
1) Go to Silverado on Saturday, June 23 between noon and 8 pm.
2) Spend a minumum of $10
3) Take photos, share on Facebook, Twitter, send them to us at the Grapevine to share.
4) Meet three new people that day.
5) Go across the street and have a cold one at Barracuda, or go to Sandbar or wherever and have a cold one.
It's that simple. The concept is to help out small businesses in these hard economic times. We will do this periodically and announce it here in the Grapevine. The Chamber, the BID and others will email blast the notices and we'll hopefully get something good going.
The flyer is below, you are more than welcome, in fact, encouraged, to click on it, save it and share it on your blogs, social media sites or wherever. It will open larger when you click on it.
If tweeting it out, which we hope you do, you can do something like this:
Cash Mob @ Silverado, 3092 Fuller St, Coconut Grove. Sat. June 23, noon-8 pm. Spend min. of $10! Help local business!
You can use the link to this story or remove it. You can change it around or do whatever, just as long as you share it on Twitter and hopefully put the banner on Facebook.
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