The steering committee met yesterday at The Bookstore for the first time this year, from left, Tom Falco, Stephen Licata, Daisy Lewis and Felice Dubin. We'll open the committee to those who want to be a part of it, details to come.
The sign-up form will go up next week, we'll announce it here, and you can then start signing up your beds. There will be the usual fun, craziness, celebs and the lead-up the night before, will include the Pajama Pub Crawl, which always brings a crowd out to get everybody in the mood for the next day's event.
There will be a build-a-bed workshop, just like last year, location and date to be announced, but most likely it will be the beginning of August. That's a Happy Hour with a purpose, because at the Happy Hour, there's instructions on how to actually build a bed. Here's last year's event at the Mayfair Rooftop.
This year, there will be a VIP area, and bleachers and lots more, building on the success of the last few years.
The charity has not yet been announced and the celebs and judges will be announced later, too, stay with the Grapevine for all that info.
To get a peak at last year's festivities, you can go here to see what it's all about.
Follow the Great Grove Bed Race on Facebook here and Twitter here!
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