The letter is directed to Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Ginenez and it says:
As you are aware, the Florida Legislature enacted a law in 2011 that will require any lands that have been conveyed with revisionary language by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (BOT), to do so at the BOT's option if not used for the purpose for which it was conveyed within 3 years. This law went into effect on June 17, 2011. As staff of the BOT, we are encouraged by your March 29, 2012 memorandum to the Honorable Chairman Joe A. Martinez and Members of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners, which outlines an action plan for the County to be able to vote to accept the title to the Coconut Grove Playhouse by June of 2012. We, as staff to the BOT, will not recommend that they exercise the option for the property to revert to BOT ownership if the projected June deadline is met and the Coconut Grove Playhouse is conveyed to the County for use as a playhouse.
Please click on the actual letter to see a larger version.
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