As much as I like Coconut Grove to stay small, quaint and Grovey, I love what the corner of Mary and Grand has become -- Corporate! With the addition to the Regus logo to the Mayfair building, as you come up the hill on Mary from South Bayshore Drive, it's quite an impressive entry into the Grove. This is what the tour buses see as they enter the village.
It reminds me of Culver City, a small village-y area in Los Angeles, right near Hollywood, where some of the movie and tv studios are. It's where MGM was. The Wizard of Oz was made in Culver City, so was the Andy Griffith Show and Gunsmoke and Gone With the Wind and so many other famous productions. Sony Pictures is located there, just like we have Sony here (you can see the Sony music orange logo in the photo above).
Anyway, the point of all this is that Coconut Grove can be it's own little corporate Culver City. There is talk of setting up a techie place, sort of like the Regus shared office spaces, but this would be for computer geeks. Also, many would like to see movie and tv production continue in Coconut Grove. I have one friend who would love the Expo Center to stay as a film studio even long after Burn Notice is gone. It's an interesting thought.
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