The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is having another Bingo Night on Thursday, May 17.
Admission is $5 for adults, children under 12 play free. Games start at 7 pm.
It's only $1 per card with a minimum of five games. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be served, there is also a cash bar. Prizes include gifts and gift certificates. The last game is a cash prize of $500 with entire Bingo card in 46 balls.
Ladies, gentlemen, family and friends are all welcome.
The Coconut Grove Woman's Club is at 2985 S. Bayshore Drive, for more info, please call 305-446-2909.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Gallery Walk: a night of culture in our village
The Coconut Grove Gallery Walk is back Saturday, May 5. It's an evening of art, music and refreshments where all the Grove galleries are open from 7 to 10 pm.
Stroll the village and enjoy new exhibits, which are presented the first Saturday of each month.
Some featured galleries include the Christina Chacon Gallery (3162 Commodore Plaza) which will feature Alberto Gonzalez Vivo's exhibit titled "Formas/Shapes." His work ranges from geometric abstraction to Op art, influenced by his research on the production of artists Luis Tomasello, Julio Le Parc, Victor Vasarely, Martha Boto and Eduardo Moisset de Espanes, a generative geometry artist and creator of the Centre for Plastic Mathematical Research of Aregentina.
The FrameWorks Gallery (3196 Commodore Plaza) is presenting fine art photographer Paul Marcellini. His photos capture the unspoiled scenes of wild Florida with breathtaking views of the Everglades.
Through the end of May, Marcellini’s work will also be on display at the Everglades National Park Visitor’s Center. In the past, he has been featured at the Coconut Grove Arts Festival, The Winter Park Side Walk Festival, The Santa Fe College Arts Festival and The Islamorada Fine Art Expo.
The Rodez Art Gallery at CocoWalk (2nd floor) is hosting the 24th annual exhibition by the National Art Exhibitions by the Mentally Ill (NAEMI), an organization dedicated to collecting, displaying an dselling art by persons in recovery from mental illness. The exhibition features the work of aritists from Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Spain and the United States. All 40 works in the exhibit are for sale.
At Boswell Mourot Fine Art (3162 Commodore Plaza), May’s exhibit will feature all of the current gallery’s artists. Boswell Mourot is solely a fine art gallery, selling original paintings, mixed media and sculptures by international, national and local artists for the established and emerging collector. Artists include Hans Feyerbend, Karen Deilke, John Allison and Diana Ashley.
The Coconut Grove Arts Festival Gallery (339 Mayfair Street, Suite 128) Meme Ferre will showcase her paintings for another month in her exhibition titled “Raw Energy / EnergĂa Cruda.” Ferre’s pieces combine colors of the Caribbean and the iconic mysticism of India. She will also conduct a live program titled “Art Attack” during the opening, where she will paint to music.
The Jim Hunter Gallery (3390 Mary St. Suite 128) right next door will continue to feature Erika King’s retrospective collage collection, titled “Evolution of Spirit.” This exhibition displays iconic images of the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Statue of Liberty, Native Americans, angels and even Marilyn Monroe, through the use of familiar fragments of sheet music, stamps and torn foreign currency.
The Grove Gallery Walk begins at 7 p.m. and continues through 10 p.m. It is free and open to the public. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be made available at selected galleries, while live music can be found at many locations around Coconut Grove.
And probably, one of the most popular aspects of Gallery Walk Night is the Coconut Grove Drum Circle, which bangs away at the Mayfair Atrium from 8 to 11 pm. Stop by, join in, grab a Hulahoop and dance!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Shakespeare's birthday celebrated at The Barnacle
The rain put a damper on Shakespeare's birthday party at The Barnacle yesterday, but thanks to the Miami Shakespeare Group, the show did go on. While there wasn't a large turnout, for those who braved the drizzle (there wasn't a downpour, just a small inconvenience), it was well worth it.
As you entered the grounds through the long, winding path, characters from another time jumped out at you and interacted. As you made your way down to the pavilion on the great lawn, you met the King and Queen and their court.
It was a lot of fun and the characters were all in character even when you tried to have a conversation with them, which added to the fun. As we sat on the house's large porch and rocked on the rocking chairs, as one does, it was a pleasant site to see folks entering the grounds and being swept up in the entertainment.
Later in the evening, due to the inclement weather, the reading of "Twelfth Night" was moved from the Coconut Grove Playhouse stage door to The Bookstore in the Grove, which ended up cozy and more intimate as they read in the living room area.
The last large event that Miami Shakespeare did in Coconut Grove was their usual January production at Shell Lumber. This year it was "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
For more photos of yesterday's Barnacle event, you can go here.
Lopez-Cantera running for Property Appraiser
State Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantera, the Florida HOuse Majority Leader and Miami-Dade Chairman has announced his candidacy for Property Appraiser for Miami-Dade County.
Carlos has been elected and re-elected since 2004, to serve as our Representative in Tallahassee, but due to term limits, his time is almost up. Carlos is married to Renee and they have a four-year-old daughter, Sabrina.
He has served as chairman of the Business Regulation, Majority Whip and currently serves as the Majority Leader.
“Miami-Dade is on the cusp of economic recovery. The decisions made by the Property Appraiser over the next several years will not only impact every resident of Miami-Dade, but will contribute to the future economic prosperity of our community,” said Carlos.
“The citizens of Miami-Dade cannot afford to keep the same leadership, and expect different results. I am running on a record of property tax reform and fighting for fairness for all the property owners of Miami-Dade. I look forward to visiting every community in our county from North Miami and Miami Gardens to Homestead and Florida City to listen to the citizens of Miami-Dade County talk about their property tax concerns," he went on to say.
Carlos sponsored and passed the 2006 constitutional amendment that provided low-income seniors with a higher homestead exemption. In 2007 and 2008, he sponsored legislation requiring a more fair method of valuing property and a constitutional amendment to cap property taxes at 1.35%. He has continued to fight for legislation that brings fairness to Florida’s property tax code, empowers property owners and reduces property tax bills. In 2007, when City of Miami residents were left out of property tax relief legislation, Carlos Lopez-Cantera successfully fought for legislation to re-include Miami residents in the relief package.
He says, “Each legislative term, I have made reducing Florida’s property tax burden my mission,” continued Lopez-Cantera. “Due to a questionable decision made by the current Property Appraiser, this past session I sponsored and passed legislation to exempt parking garages built next to the Miami baseball stadium from property taxes, ensuring these garages meant for public use do not become an additional burden on the people of Miami."
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Qigong event coming up at Martial Fusion
Martial Fusion is having a Qigong event in their Coconut Grove Studio at 2809 Bird Avenue, on May, Friday 4, from 6 to 8 pm.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation, dating back more than 5,000 years. Qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate, balance and restore QI (Chi) or what has been translated as "breath" or "intrinsic life energy" through the energy channels (Meridians) and energy centers (Chakras) of the body, and GONG (also spelled Kung) is a general term meaning "work" or "skill".
Qigong is now practiced throughout the world by more than 200 million people, as a method to help develop human potential, allow access to higher realms of awareness, and awaken one's "nature".
During the two hour workshop, you will explore the seven basic Qigong exercises corresponding to each Chakra. A Chakra is the interface point between the physical and non-physical form, they lie along a linear pathway along the spine, starting at the top of the head and ending at the bottom of the spine in the following order; crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root. Activation and balance of energy flow in Chakras allows the body system to be at optimal with the higher self.
Registration is $40. Please reserve your space here.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation, dating back more than 5,000 years. Qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate, balance and restore QI (Chi) or what has been translated as "breath" or "intrinsic life energy" through the energy channels (Meridians) and energy centers (Chakras) of the body, and GONG (also spelled Kung) is a general term meaning "work" or "skill".
Qigong is now practiced throughout the world by more than 200 million people, as a method to help develop human potential, allow access to higher realms of awareness, and awaken one's "nature".
During the two hour workshop, you will explore the seven basic Qigong exercises corresponding to each Chakra. A Chakra is the interface point between the physical and non-physical form, they lie along a linear pathway along the spine, starting at the top of the head and ending at the bottom of the spine in the following order; crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root. Activation and balance of energy flow in Chakras allows the body system to be at optimal with the higher self.
Registration is $40. Please reserve your space here.
I don't think City Hall likes tourists
A few weeks ago, a couple of friends and I tried to enter City Hall on a weekday and we were denied entrance by the security guard. She said that there was a hearing going on and no one was allowed in. Since when does the city hold secret hearings in City Hall chambers?
I suspect that the guard thought we were tourists, because just before we entered one of the big double decker red buses drove by and she might have assumed that we were lost tourists, with nothing else better to do than enter City Hall, although we knew the drill and started putting our metal possessions in the little plastic box so we could go through the metal detector without incident, so she should have assumed we were locals.But even if we were tourists, since when are people denied entry into City Hall? Aren't there Sunshine laws about this? And what if we were there to do business at one of the offices? She didn't even give us a chance to explain what we wanted.
We just left without incident, but I'm wondering how many people are turned away daily because they are being profiled as tourists. On the same day, the Burn Notice crew sent us packing too, even though they were right there blocking the sidewalk on S. Bayshore Drive. They said they had permission to block the sidewalk and to chase people away. Since when?
This City is getting quite unfriendly these days.
I suspect that the guard thought we were tourists, because just before we entered one of the big double decker red buses drove by and she might have assumed that we were lost tourists, with nothing else better to do than enter City Hall, although we knew the drill and started putting our metal possessions in the little plastic box so we could go through the metal detector without incident, so she should have assumed we were locals.But even if we were tourists, since when are people denied entry into City Hall? Aren't there Sunshine laws about this? And what if we were there to do business at one of the offices? She didn't even give us a chance to explain what we wanted.
We just left without incident, but I'm wondering how many people are turned away daily because they are being profiled as tourists. On the same day, the Burn Notice crew sent us packing too, even though they were right there blocking the sidewalk on S. Bayshore Drive. They said they had permission to block the sidewalk and to chase people away. Since when?
This City is getting quite unfriendly these days.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Erika King retrospective at Jim Hunter Gallery
Erika King, longtime Grove artist has a retrospective of her work on display at the Jim Hunter Gallery (3390 Mary Street), right on the the corner of Grand Avenue.
Stop by Tuesdays through Saturdays from 2 to 6 pm and meet Erika.
Titled “Evolution of Spirit,.” This exhibition displays iconic images of the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Statue of Liberty, Native Americans, angels and even Marilyn Monroe, through the use of familiar fragments of sheet music, stamps and torn foreign currency.
Enjoy ancient art of Thangka painting from Nepal

He will explain the meanings and symbolism of his artwork, which encompasses both traditional and contemporary interpretations of Buddhist themes.
It will be an enlightening and informative time. Light refreshments will be served and admission is free.
Blu Moon Studio is at 3444 Main Highway on the top floor.
On Saturday, May 5, Blu Moon will be having their Annual Student Art Show as part of Gallery Walk Night, stop in from 7 to 10 pm to enjoy the student's art from the past year and enjoy refreshments.
For more info, please call 305-794-0329.
We need a Cuban restaurant in Coconut Grove
Recently, a friend and I have been on a quest to find the best Cuban sandwich in Miami, after all that hoopla in the newspapers and all recently, about Tampa naming the Cuban Sandwich as their official sandwich. It's a shame the Grove cannot even be in the running, as we have not had a Cuban sandwich around here since Havana Grove left. That was in the space that is LoKal Burgers now.
But a spot has recently opened up. Unfortunately, CocoWok, the Asian place has closed, but the place is just right for an in and out sandwich and coffee place. Recently a friend and I were at Sergio's, La Carreta and El Rey de Las Fritas. Any of those places would be perfect in Coconut Grove.
Also, new is the El Rey de Las Fritas food truck, which may be a cool idea for Food Truck Friday at the Coconut Grove Bank lot.
Which reminds me, have you been to Pollo Campero? The best chicken ever! We need that in the Grove, too.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Delray String Quartet's final concert of season
Hear the incomparable Delray String Quartet in their final concert this season at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church (2750 McFarlane Road) on Sunday, April 29, at 4 pm. The Delray Beach community has been raving about the quartet for years. These four accomplished musicians who were former members of the now defunct Florida Philharmonic, have a very "tight" sound together. It's as if they are all one person playing four different instruments. In this concert they will be performing:
Schubert: Quintet in A major, D. 667 "Trout"Schumann: Piano Quartet in E flat , op 44 with Guest Artist Tao Lin, PianoMahler: "Adagietto" from Fifth Symphony (special arrangement for the Delray String Quartet)
And if the concert isn't enough to get you in the doors of a church, the $20 admission includes a free food and wine bar. No reservations necessary.
Schubert: Quintet in A major, D. 667 "Trout"Schumann: Piano Quartet in E flat , op 44 with Guest Artist Tao Lin, PianoMahler: "Adagietto" from Fifth Symphony (special arrangement for the Delray String Quartet)
And if the concert isn't enough to get you in the doors of a church, the $20 admission includes a free food and wine bar. No reservations necessary.
Springfest is at Plymouth on Saturday
Springfest at Plymouth Preschool is on April 28. This is the school's annual fundraiser to support Plymouth's scholarship fund, school programs and faculty development. Springfest is from 4 to 8 pm at the school's campus at 3429 Devon Road.
It's a day of fun-filled activities, including live music, pony rides, bounce houses, face painting, games and prizes. There is a popular grill and taco station, as well as a silent auction and wine wall.
Tickets are on sale in the Plymouth Preschool office and will also be available at the door, the day of the event. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 per child and $50 for a family of 4 package.
It's a day of fun-filled activities, including live music, pony rides, bounce houses, face painting, games and prizes. There is a popular grill and taco station, as well as a silent auction and wine wall.
Tickets are on sale in the Plymouth Preschool office and will also be available at the door, the day of the event. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 per child and $50 for a family of 4 package.
I caught him doing good
I regret not taking his photo, but hats off to Antonio Alvarez, who works for the BID, he's one of those guys in the bright green shirts you see walking around.
I was standing outside a Grove restaurant this past weekend, waiting for a friend, and I noticed that these few shopping bags were blowing around in the wind and just doing a little dance on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. The bags would blow around the feet of people sitting at the outdoor tables and eating but everyone just ignored them.
I was going to pick them up but thought I would take a picture first, to emphasize the clean up campaign that's going on, but as I was going to take the picture, I noticed Antonio coming by, I thought to myself, this will be a great photo, one of the BID guys just stepping over the trash and ignoring it, and they are the very people who are handing out the gift cards for the "Caught! Doing Good" campaign. But Antonio surprised me. He reached down and picked up all the bags that were blowing around and he threw them out.
I'm not sure why it surprised me because it shouldn't have. I went up to him and told him I appreciated what he did. He was sort of shy and that's why I didn't ask to take his photo, but I wish I did.
I was standing outside a Grove restaurant this past weekend, waiting for a friend, and I noticed that these few shopping bags were blowing around in the wind and just doing a little dance on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. The bags would blow around the feet of people sitting at the outdoor tables and eating but everyone just ignored them.
I was going to pick them up but thought I would take a picture first, to emphasize the clean up campaign that's going on, but as I was going to take the picture, I noticed Antonio coming by, I thought to myself, this will be a great photo, one of the BID guys just stepping over the trash and ignoring it, and they are the very people who are handing out the gift cards for the "Caught! Doing Good" campaign. But Antonio surprised me. He reached down and picked up all the bags that were blowing around and he threw them out.
I'm not sure why it surprised me because it shouldn't have. I went up to him and told him I appreciated what he did. He was sort of shy and that's why I didn't ask to take his photo, but I wish I did.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
George Neary to receive Dade Heritage Trust award

Dade Heritage Trust's highest honor, the Henriette Harris Award will be presented to George Neary for his many years of community leadership in behalf of preserving Miami's historic, architectural and cultural heritage.
All are invited, donation is $25 for Dade Heritage Trust members and $35 for non-members.
City Hall is located at 3500 Pan Americn Drive.
Children's book reading and trunk show at The Loft

Join author Manuel Soto, as he reads his children's book, Mi & Two. It's a wonderful story about a precious bulldog named Two and his best friend Mi. Manny's writing career began at the early age of 12 when he wrote his first children's story. Writing (and music) is in his family, his grandfather Pedro (Perucho) Figueredo, wrote the Cuban National Anthem.
After the book reading, Manny will sign books and then enjoy a fashion show by Kamille and Sophie Clothing and the Landelius line of head pieces.
The Loft is located at 3190 Commodore Plaza, for more info, pleaes call 305-890-9790.
Are we the Culver City of the East?
As much as I like Coconut Grove to stay small, quaint and Grovey, I love what the corner of Mary and Grand has become -- Corporate! With the addition to the Regus logo to the Mayfair building, as you come up the hill on Mary from South Bayshore Drive, it's quite an impressive entry into the Grove. This is what the tour buses see as they enter the village.
It reminds me of Culver City, a small village-y area in Los Angeles, right near Hollywood, where some of the movie and tv studios are. It's where MGM was. The Wizard of Oz was made in Culver City, so was the Andy Griffith Show and Gunsmoke and Gone With the Wind and so many other famous productions. Sony Pictures is located there, just like we have Sony here (you can see the Sony music orange logo in the photo above).
Anyway, the point of all this is that Coconut Grove can be it's own little corporate Culver City. There is talk of setting up a techie place, sort of like the Regus shared office spaces, but this would be for computer geeks. Also, many would like to see movie and tv production continue in Coconut Grove. I have one friend who would love the Expo Center to stay as a film studio even long after Burn Notice is gone. It's an interesting thought.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Day of events planned to celebrate Shakespeare
In honor of Shakespeare's Birthday, the Shakespeare Miami group is hosting two events in the Grove on Saturday, April 28. The first is the Birthday Party at The Barnacle from noon to 3 pm.
Entrance is free. No ticket is necessary, please consider donating $2 to The Barnacle. The Children's Tea and Cake is free, Adult Tea and Cake is $2.
The second part is a Staged Reading of Twelfth Night at the stage door of the Coconut Grove Playhouse! Actors from theater companies from across South Florida are involved. The performance starts at 7:30 pm.
Set in the 1920s, this concert production of Twelfth Night features glittering costumes, live music and dance. Colleen Stoval is directing.
Bring lawn chairs and blankets and pack a picnic. This evening at the Coconut Grove Playhouse is long overdue!
The Barnacle is at 3485 Main Highway and The Coconut Grove Playhouse is across the street.
Relay For Life event tonight at Chilis
The American Cancer Society's Relay for Life has changed dates and locations. The new date is Saturday, June 9 at 4 pm, going all night to Sunday morning at 10 am. The location is Shake-A-Leg Miami at 2620 S. Bayshore Drive.
Tonight, April 24, Chili's at CocoWalk is the place for Give Back Night, not to be confused with the Playhouse's Give It Back campaign. With each voucher presented during this Give Back Night, Chilis will donate 15% of your guest check to the Relay For Life effort.
Relay For Life is ACS's overnight community event where teams form, raise money and walk throughout the night. They camp out on site while enjoying a DJ, entertainment, food, fun and comaraderie. Cancer Survivors are teh shining stars of Relay For Life, their courage is celebrated.
The Candle Lighting Luminaria Ceremony is the highlight of Relay, as hundreds of candles will encircle the walking track, each one purchased in honor or in memory of a loved one who has battled cancer.
You can make a difference by joining of forming a team, call ACS at 305-779-2843 or visit You can also email Carmen Mallea, the event chair at .
Tonight, April 24, Chili's at CocoWalk is the place for Give Back Night, not to be confused with the Playhouse's Give It Back campaign. With each voucher presented during this Give Back Night, Chilis will donate 15% of your guest check to the Relay For Life effort.
Relay For Life is ACS's overnight community event where teams form, raise money and walk throughout the night. They camp out on site while enjoying a DJ, entertainment, food, fun and comaraderie. Cancer Survivors are teh shining stars of Relay For Life, their courage is celebrated.
The Candle Lighting Luminaria Ceremony is the highlight of Relay, as hundreds of candles will encircle the walking track, each one purchased in honor or in memory of a loved one who has battled cancer.
You can make a difference by joining of forming a team, call ACS at 305-779-2843 or visit You can also email Carmen Mallea, the event chair at .
The accidental extras
This story was first run on August 6, 2008, alas IOS and Le Petit Paris are no longer with us, but luckily Burn Notice still is. They know who I am now and recognize me, but at the time they didn't know me. The crew is very nice to me and always has been, the stars not so much. Anyway, here is the story from 2008:

Never a dull moment. The Grove is so small, but there is something always going on. Today I was mistaken for an extra on "Burn Notice!"

I went to Commodore Plaza today to get pictures of the filming, it's like a party there today, really fun. I ended up talking to Beth, who works at IOS, the clothing store. Well, we sat down to watch the filming and before you know it, some guy is yelling at us to stop looking at the camera when he yells "rolling" and act like we are chatting or talking or whatever -- we were "background!"
So the first thing Beth did was run in and get an IOS bag to have as part of the scenery, doesn't hurt to have a little publicity. In fact, one of the crew bought some clothing at IOS between takes and a lot of the crew was eating and shopping between takes, they do support the local merchants.

Here is Jeffrey Donovan in a scene. He spent most of the time in Le P'tit Paris, which is being used as a dressing room for him and others.

His stand in did a lot of the work this morning, but here is Jeffrey again, getting his close-up for the day, right outside Greenstreet.
That's Jeffrey in the car with the binoculars and the lady here is the director. She was calling the shots all day.

It's really fun, the crew is very nice (except when they tell us to shut up during takes and not look at the camera, which I find so hilarious). The thing is, every time I go to the set, they have the same background extras, so I guess they like seeing fresh faces appear and thought Beth and I were a couple of fresh faces.
So if our scenes don't end up on the cutting room floor, you'll see us in one of the episodes.
P.S. We ended up on the cutting room floor!
Never a dull moment. The Grove is so small, but there is something always going on. Today I was mistaken for an extra on "Burn Notice!"
I went to Commodore Plaza today to get pictures of the filming, it's like a party there today, really fun. I ended up talking to Beth, who works at IOS, the clothing store. Well, we sat down to watch the filming and before you know it, some guy is yelling at us to stop looking at the camera when he yells "rolling" and act like we are chatting or talking or whatever -- we were "background!"
So the first thing Beth did was run in and get an IOS bag to have as part of the scenery, doesn't hurt to have a little publicity. In fact, one of the crew bought some clothing at IOS between takes and a lot of the crew was eating and shopping between takes, they do support the local merchants.
Here is Jeffrey Donovan in a scene. He spent most of the time in Le P'tit Paris, which is being used as a dressing room for him and others.
His stand in did a lot of the work this morning, but here is Jeffrey again, getting his close-up for the day, right outside Greenstreet.
That's Jeffrey in the car with the binoculars and the lady here is the director. She was calling the shots all day.
It's really fun, the crew is very nice (except when they tell us to shut up during takes and not look at the camera, which I find so hilarious). The thing is, every time I go to the set, they have the same background extras, so I guess they like seeing fresh faces appear and thought Beth and I were a couple of fresh faces.
So if our scenes don't end up on the cutting room floor, you'll see us in one of the episodes.
P.S. We ended up on the cutting room floor!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Will Scotty's go the way of Jimbo's?
First Jimbo's on Virginia Key, next Scotty's Landing? We talked last week about the RFP that went out for the Scotty's property last week, along with the Chart House next door and the Grove Key Marina. Some people would like the businesses changed to something more modern and chain-like, I've heard words like Olive Garden and even Bayside. I went out last Friday for lunch and took these photos. It's "old Florida" for sure at Scotty's.
Andres Viglucci, from The Miami Herald was also there Friday and he filed a story today. You can see that here. One person explained Scotty's like this: “It’s what the Grove used to be and isn’t anymore.” I personally feel it would be nice if Scotty's could stay. I do agree that the menu needs a big overhaul and maybe the place needs a few other renovations, including the bathrooms, but it's rustic, real and it screams Coconut Grove. No chain restaurant will ever be able to do that. Why must everything be homogenized? It's hard to believe that it's all not about money. It's always about money.
I love the way the Herald article explains how you "pick your way through the boatyard just north of City Hall in Coconut Grove — watch out for the giant forklifts carrying speedboats aloft — and head for what looks like a weather-beaten old shack by the water." It explains it so perfectly. It's amazing how you just walk under boats being lifted into the water to get to the place. The rest of Miami has been bulldozed, built up and modernized. Can't Coconut Grove just be left alone?
What's the deal on SW 27th Avenue?
As a resident of Coconut Grove for 34 years and currently residing on SW 27th Ave, the reality of the SW 27th Ave “Road Improvement” project hit home last week. This project has raised some interesting questions.
The first question concerns how FPL has handled the night time construction. Since FPL has been given the unannounced right by the City or County to close SW 27th Ave from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am every night we assume that this is the reason they move a fleet of vehicles every night on to SW 27th Ave. The average fleet consist of three power company bucket trucks, two dump trucks, a small earth mover, a utility truck pulling a generator with flood lights, a truck with barricades, one police car, one HUGE truck crane and from four to five 40ft flat bed tractor trailer trucks. This has been rolling on to SW 27th Ave every night. But the main question is why FPL has been able to do the work as they have. They do not start on one end and continue up or down SW 27th Ave which would only disturb the residents in one area for one night. No, FPL has chosen to do one pole in one area, one pole in another area and the third pole in another area of SW 27th Ave each night. This guarantees that all the residents of SW 27th Ave can be disturbed every night as FPL continues to put in more concrete poles especially since the entire fleet of vehicles only seem to be able move in reverse with the warning sound of BEEP. BEEP, BEEP going constantly.
Another question is why the Arborists from FPL have been allowed for the last two years to brutally “Trim” the tress on SW 27th Ave. For many years prior, FPL would trim the trees regularly to keep their power lines clear but in the last two years FPL has used the brutal “V” cut on the trees. It seems that this brutal cut could allow the County to override any appeal by Grove TreeWatch to have these trees saved since the argument will be that they now have the Coconut Grove BID created theory of the “Grove Plague” You do not see this brutal cut on SW 17th Ave, SW 22nd Ave, Tigertail, South Bayshore or on Main Highway. Why on SW 27th Ave?
The most important reason for the “Road Improvement” project was to put in sidewalks which have been desperately needed on SW 27th Ave forever. So the question is why is it that the only section of SW 27th Ave. between Tigertail and South Bayshore that did NOT have a sidewalk before the “Road Improvement” project started still does NOT have a sidewalk. The County had this section of road torn up and closed for months upon months and did not put in a sidewalk on the only part of this road that was without a sidewalk before the “Road Improvement” started. Where else on SW 27th Ave is the County planning on NOT installing sidewalks?
The “Road Improvement” project also calls for curbs on SW 27th Ave and Bike lanes which raise 2 more interesting questions.
The curbs being put in would required new drain pipes but there currently is no drainage problem on SW 27th Ave. SW 27th Ave was built correctly with a slight rise in the center allowing for the rain to naturally roll off in to the areas surrounding the road. There was no major flooding on this road after Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Wilma. If the County wants curbs on this road they can be put in as they are doing on SW 32nd Ave north of US 1 without tearing up the whole road. There are no curbs on SW 17th Ave, SW 22nd Ave, Tigertail, South Bayshore or on Main Highway. Why on SW 27th Ave?
Why is it necessary to put Bike Lanes in on SW 27th Ave? The City of Miami has already created a wonderful Bike Route on Mary St which is just 1 block west of SW 27th Ave. Mary St is signed allowing Bikes to use the full lane. This Bike Route can be started at Coconut Ave on SW 27th Ave with a Pedestrian Crosswalk light similar to the one at Fresh Market installed where Mary crosses Bird Road. The Bike Route could also be extended to the East Grove also at Coconut Ave. Is it smart for anyone to ride a Bike in a 3ft wide lane on SW 27th Ave that will be crossed by buses and cars constantly? There were no Bike lanes put in when the section of SW 27th Ave on the north side of US 1 was improved. No Bike lanes were put in on Grand Ave when this section was (supposedly) improved so why on this section of SW 27th Ave?
There are an incredible amount of Old Growth trees that sustain a canopy that are also going to be removed in this project. Should we listen to the Arborists or anyone else who uses the line “We can not be greedy? In 40 years due to the replanting we will have a better canopy than we do today’. Remember that no one, let me repeat, no one, can guarantee that in 5 years the County or someone else could not come back and than say that more improvements need to be made and since the new trees are only 5 years old they do not need to be preserve and in 40 years from that date we will have a canopy. Stop the destruction of the canopy and STOP IT TODAY.
The final question is why have we accepted this Road Plan? Please remember that the county has owned the vast majority of the right of way on SW 27th Ave FOREVER and has done nothing to improve this road. When pushed on the issue of improving SW 27th Ave, mostly by the Coconut Grove Village Council, the County pulled off their shelf
“Kendall Road Plan 101”. A road that could say Welcome to The Shoppes of Kendall or Welcome to Kendall Townhouses Phase III. This road says nothing about coming in to a historic, vibrant, unique community. The County is taking the easy way out. Not the best way and certainly not the least expensive way, just the easiest way which is to rip everything out and start over again. This is not the solution. We need to plant not cut, we need to improve not destroy, we need to landscape the road not tear up the road and believe it or not we need the County to save money not waste money.
We need a road that says Welcome to Coconut Grove. You can get that special, wonderful Grove feeling when you enter the Grove on SW 17th Ave, SW 22nd Ave, Tigertail, South Bayshore and on Main Highway.
So I guess the only real question to answer is why NOT SW 27th Ave?
Douglas English
Coconut Grove
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Grand opening party at Vinos in the Grove tonight
We popped into Vinos in the Grove today to say hello. Amélie Canuel and Valerie Chelley are having their grand opening tonight, April 22, from 7 pm to 10 pm. They have a sister bar called Vinos on Duval, in Key West and about 40 of their friends are coming up tonight from Key West to celebrate the Grove's location opening.
There will be DJ's tonight, Dave and Lucy and lots of tastings and cheeses to try. Their usual cheese and meat plates start at $14.50 and wines by the glass start at $7.00, they start at $22 per bottle and go up from there.
Vinos in the Grove is located at 3409 Main Highway. It's a nice, cozy place, were you feel welcome the moment you enter -- a great place to hang out. They are open daily from 2 pm.
There will be DJ's tonight, Dave and Lucy and lots of tastings and cheeses to try. Their usual cheese and meat plates start at $14.50 and wines by the glass start at $7.00, they start at $22 per bottle and go up from there.
Vinos in the Grove is located at 3409 Main Highway. It's a nice, cozy place, were you feel welcome the moment you enter -- a great place to hang out. They are open daily from 2 pm.
It's a block party when Burn Notice comes to town
We have a lot of new readers who are very into Burn Notice and are excited over the new season coming up, so we though we would repeat this for their benefit. We'll have another repeat tomorrow.

Burn Notice had a lot of fans on hand on Friday afternoon, it seemed as if everyone was out watching the filming at the Mayfair Atrium. They set up a bank at the old Borders Books and the scene was based on that. Jeffrey Donovan and Bruce Campbell were the two featured in the scene being shot.

A limo was parked across from the "bank" and a guy came running out of the bank with a bag full of money, he gave the money to Bruce Campbell (Sam) and the three guys jumped into the limo and the scene was over. It took hours to do that simple scene over and over.

The cameras filmed from inside the Atrium as you see here. And then they ended up across the street shooting the scene from another angle.

What was surprising was all the people around watching. It usually has never been that crowded before when they filmed around town. It was almost like a little block party with the all the people around.

It's funny how they converged on the scene, too. I was at a meeting at the BID office, in the Atrium and little by little a buzz started outside, the crew started setting up equipment for the bank scene which was across from the BID office. Lots of guys in suits (extras) started roaming around and before you knew it, lights were on and then camera and action.
It's a lot of fun with Burn Notice in town. Above, Jeffrey Donovan was talking with me as he walked to Starbucks. The stars often walk around alone and do their thing without much incident. They are noticed more when the lights and camera are trained on them than when they are simply walking alone down the street to get a frappacino. I tried to get him to take a picture with one of our famous fiberglass peacocks, but he declined.
Here are some scenes from their April 30 shoot on Florida Avenue.
We have a lot of new readers who are very into Burn Notice and are excited over the new season coming up, so we though we would repeat this for their benefit. We'll have another repeat tomorrow.
Burn Notice had a lot of fans on hand on Friday afternoon, it seemed as if everyone was out watching the filming at the Mayfair Atrium. They set up a bank at the old Borders Books and the scene was based on that. Jeffrey Donovan and Bruce Campbell were the two featured in the scene being shot.
A limo was parked across from the "bank" and a guy came running out of the bank with a bag full of money, he gave the money to Bruce Campbell (Sam) and the three guys jumped into the limo and the scene was over. It took hours to do that simple scene over and over.
The cameras filmed from inside the Atrium as you see here. And then they ended up across the street shooting the scene from another angle.
What was surprising was all the people around watching. It usually has never been that crowded before when they filmed around town. It was almost like a little block party with the all the people around.
It's funny how they converged on the scene, too. I was at a meeting at the BID office, in the Atrium and little by little a buzz started outside, the crew started setting up equipment for the bank scene which was across from the BID office. Lots of guys in suits (extras) started roaming around and before you knew it, lights were on and then camera and action.
It's a lot of fun with Burn Notice in town. Above, Jeffrey Donovan was talking with me as he walked to Starbucks. The stars often walk around alone and do their thing without much incident. They are noticed more when the lights and camera are trained on them than when they are simply walking alone down the street to get a frappacino. I tried to get him to take a picture with one of our famous fiberglass peacocks, but he declined.
Here are some scenes from their April 30 shoot on Florida Avenue.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The most expensive Grove homes on the market
Janie Campbell at the Huffington Post Miami addition, has a great feature on the most expensive homes in Coconut Grove. She calls it "real estate porn." Check it out here. Like my father likes to say, "They're not much, but they're home."
If you're in the market for one of these or maybe for something more economical, Grove relator Riley Smith is having one of his Coconut Grove Real Estate talks on Monday, May 21 at Greenstreets (3468 Main Highway). It starts at 7 pm. Riley will offer advice and discuss current trends and sales in Coconut Grove. Appetizers and drinks will be provided.
Photo courtesy
Burn Notice back for 6th season starting June 14

They haven't been too kind to us lately on the Burn Notice set, but Seth seems nice enough. If we see him around we'll get some photos of him on the set or just around the Grove wining and dining. He's a very likable guy, he got the Grapevine mixed up with a local restaurant he would like to dine at, and he asked me if he needs to make a reservation to come over early next week. I told him no, he should just pop by. So I'm not sure now if he is actually coming here, or going to show up at a local wine spot like Vinos the new place on Main Highway or Happy Wines, the place on Bird Avenue, you know, Grapevine and all, maybe he thinks we're a winery or wine store or something.
Burn Notice films all around the Grove, it seems more and more these days, as they don't seem to be going too far from their home base at the Coconut Grove Expo Center. Sometimes they are literally feet away with a make shift set built right on the sidewalk or grass. Many Center Grove neighbors have been approached by the production staff asking to rent their homes for filming, so lots of the interiors will be in Coconut Grove locations this year, it seems.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Celebrate Earth Day at The Barnacle
The Barnacle (3485 Main Highway) is celebrating Earth Day on Sunday, April 22. Join in a celebration of all things Green. Bring your own picnic or buy lunch from The Barnacle Society and enjoy environmental activities for the kids and games for the entire family. The celebration will feature environmental displays by local non-profits, government environmental groups, and green businesses as well as live music from Miami’s "Historian-in-Song," Grant Livingston.
Livingston's folk style blends ragtime, country blues, and swing and occasionally even offers a unique twist on classic hits from the 1920s. With original songs featuring a man who is really intense about eating pie, practical advice for sailors (Pointy Side Up), a dog longing for life off the leash, and—what else—barnacles doing what barnacles do, Livingston infuses his lyrics with upbeat humor and vivid storytelling that reflect his love of South Florida's history, environment, and people. A local favorite for more than two decades, this singer/songwriter appeals to kids and to the kid in us all.
Blankets or lawn chairs and picnics are welcome; no alcohol is allowed. This event is sponsored by The Barnacle Society, Inc., which is a volunteer non-profit, citizen-supported organization created to generate public awareness, education, and financial support for the preservation and maintenance of this historic home.
The celebration is from 10:30 am to 4 pm. It is free with regular park admission of $2; children under 6 are free. For additional information call 305-442-6866.
Livingston's folk style blends ragtime, country blues, and swing and occasionally even offers a unique twist on classic hits from the 1920s. With original songs featuring a man who is really intense about eating pie, practical advice for sailors (Pointy Side Up), a dog longing for life off the leash, and—what else—barnacles doing what barnacles do, Livingston infuses his lyrics with upbeat humor and vivid storytelling that reflect his love of South Florida's history, environment, and people. A local favorite for more than two decades, this singer/songwriter appeals to kids and to the kid in us all.
Blankets or lawn chairs and picnics are welcome; no alcohol is allowed. This event is sponsored by The Barnacle Society, Inc., which is a volunteer non-profit, citizen-supported organization created to generate public awareness, education, and financial support for the preservation and maintenance of this historic home.
The celebration is from 10:30 am to 4 pm. It is free with regular park admission of $2; children under 6 are free. For additional information call 305-442-6866.
Is this the beginning of the end of our waterfront?
As you may or may not know, the City has put out RFP's (Requests For Proposals) for the properties including The Chart House, Scotty's Landing and Grove Key Marina. In many eyes, this is the beginning of the malling (and mauling) of the Coconut Grove waterfront. The general area affected is circled in red above.
The RFP's are asking for indoor/outdoor restaurant use designs. The RFP's were issued in March and are due in by June 15, 2012.
All the RFP info can be seen at the City's website here. I'm wondering if the City wants people to even know about this, Alice Bravo, the City's Assistant City Manager - Chief of Infrastructure, was quite vague (and rude) when I asked for the RFP. One City employee says, and I quote, "We are under a code of silence," regarding this RFP, but he said, "Look at the scope of it."
There is still talk of an RFP eventually going out for the Glass House building at Peacock Park.
All of these RFP's will drastically change the Coconut Grove waterfront. What do you think? Is this a good thing? Is this a bad thing? Should Scotty's Landing remain as is, the rustic, quirky Groovy Grove place that it is? After all, it is on prime waterfront space owned by the City. I am never in favor of change, which of course could be seen as a problem. But then again, I am not a politician or developer and I don't stand to make any money on this, which is usually the reason for these drastic changes. But what do you honestly think? Maybe change is a good thing.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Pot Luck Dinner in honor of Earth Day
Zen village is having an International Potluck Dinner Party on Saturday, April 21 in honor of Earth Day.
This community event was created for all members and friends to enjoy with their families. Anyone can bring a native dish from their homeland or ethnic background to share. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the diverse and rich cultures.
If you wish to bring a dish, please contact Zen Village at 305-567-0165.
Zen Village is located at 3570 Main Highway. The Pot Luck Dinner artst at 6 pm on Saturday.
This community event was created for all members and friends to enjoy with their families. Anyone can bring a native dish from their homeland or ethnic background to share. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the diverse and rich cultures.
If you wish to bring a dish, please contact Zen Village at 305-567-0165.
Zen Village is located at 3570 Main Highway. The Pot Luck Dinner artst at 6 pm on Saturday.
Local authors night tonight at The Bookstore
The Bookstore in the Grove will be hosting their first local author tonight, April 19, at 7 to 9 pm. This is an effort to promote and raise awareness of talented local authors in our community. Every three months we will select 5 local authors giving them an opportunity to share their work with other local authors, their friends, family and community.
The authors reading for this event will be:
A Summer Remembered by Bob Libby is a coming of age story about a teenage boy from Long Island who gets a summer job at a hotel in Vermont when his parents divorce in the 1940s.
Pirate’s Gold by Evelyn Uslar-Pietri is a fantasy novel about a captain and his crew of pirates in search for long-lost treasure.
Wicked Good by Amy Lewis Faircloth and Joanna Lewis is a novel about a mother with a son with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Jason Steed Revenge by Mark A. Cooper is a novel about a secret agent attempting to defeat the world’s most ruthless criminal organization.
And finally, Lies for the Entire Family by Sachin Mayi is an educational tool for children meant to encourage them to explore and create their own realities about life.
For further information, call The Bookstore in the Grove at 305-443-2855 or visit their website at
The authors reading for this event will be:
A Summer Remembered by Bob Libby is a coming of age story about a teenage boy from Long Island who gets a summer job at a hotel in Vermont when his parents divorce in the 1940s.
Pirate’s Gold by Evelyn Uslar-Pietri is a fantasy novel about a captain and his crew of pirates in search for long-lost treasure.
Wicked Good by Amy Lewis Faircloth and Joanna Lewis is a novel about a mother with a son with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Jason Steed Revenge by Mark A. Cooper is a novel about a secret agent attempting to defeat the world’s most ruthless criminal organization.
And finally, Lies for the Entire Family by Sachin Mayi is an educational tool for children meant to encourage them to explore and create their own realities about life.
For further information, call The Bookstore in the Grove at 305-443-2855 or visit their website at
Woman's Club presented Young Artists Gallery
Sixteen teachers from ten Miami-Dade County Public High schools selected 106 pieces of art by 93 students to be exhibited in the Young Artists' Gallery at the Coconut Grove Woman's Club recently. $5000 in scholarships, Merit Awards, and teacher stipends were given out from contributions by the Korth Family Foundation, Coconut Grove Bank, Tony Pippo (husband of Joyce), Renee Schafer, Charity Johnson, Judy Orr, Sandy Riley and Peggy Hall, Claire-Francis Whitehurst, Sandy Wallace, and Dolly MacIntyre.
Four pieces of student art were sold with all proceeds going to the students. 150 people attended the Preview Party, which had ample food and drink, and over 50 people visited the exhibit during the weekend.The Woman;s Club thanks all those who contributed funds, time, food, drink, and energy to the Young Artists Gallery.
Above, Diana Guzman, 10th Grade, Robert Morgan Educational Center, won the Korth Family Foundation Scholarship of $1250 at the 10th Young Artists Gallery for a self portrait.
Anner Rosquete, 12th Grade, South Dade High, winner of the Korth Family Foundation Scholarship for $1250, with John Doyle, Supervisor of Life Skills, Miami Dade County Public Schools.
Gabriella Ney, winner of the Coconut Grove Bank $1500 Scholarship with Woman’s Club of Coconut Grove member, Penny Lambeth.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Buoniconti Fund Happy Hour at Scotty's Landing
The Miami Chapter of The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis is holding a Happy Hour at Scotty's Landing on Thursday, April 19 from 6 to 9 pm.
Admission is $20 which includes complimentary appetizers and two drink tickets. Music by Live Bait.
Scotty's now has craft beer and of course, one of the best views in Coconut Grove. Scotty's is located at 3381 Pan American Drive, right past the boat lifts, in the back near City Hall.
Admission is $20 which includes complimentary appetizers and two drink tickets. Music by Live Bait.
Scotty's now has craft beer and of course, one of the best views in Coconut Grove. Scotty's is located at 3381 Pan American Drive, right past the boat lifts, in the back near City Hall.
Village of Center Grove meeting is tonight
The Village of Center Grove meeting is tonight, April 18 from 7 to 8:30 pm at the Sailing Club (2990 S. Bayshore Drive).
Door prize includes drawing for two Coconut Grove Art Festival vintage posters and everyone who attends receives a discount card for $10 off $25 worth of merchandise at YR Couture/The Loft (3190 Commodore Plaza).
On the agenda:
Crimewatch report - Police report by Commander Richard Gentry, Net Officers Carrillo and Vasquez.
NET - Ms. Kinchens in not available, but check your neighborhood, come with a short list such as graffiti on cable boxes, mailboxes, potholes, code violations, downed signs, overgrown properties and swales, trash problems, etc. and they will get info to Net Office.
Art and events report: Trina Collins will give report on success of Gifford Lane Art Stroll, Women's Club luncheon Thurs. May 3 at 12 noon, , Gallery Walk on Sat., May 4 always the first Saturday of each month 7-10 pm.
BID Update: David Collins: pending improvements and proposals throughout business district inc. sidewalk project.
Nathan Kurland: Update and status of "Give It Back."
Carlos Lopez-Cantera, State Representative Majority Leader, Dist. 113
Jose Javier - candidate for State Representative Dist. 112 will speak.
Door prize includes drawing for two Coconut Grove Art Festival vintage posters and everyone who attends receives a discount card for $10 off $25 worth of merchandise at YR Couture/The Loft (3190 Commodore Plaza).
On the agenda:
Crimewatch report - Police report by Commander Richard Gentry, Net Officers Carrillo and Vasquez.
NET - Ms. Kinchens in not available, but check your neighborhood, come with a short list such as graffiti on cable boxes, mailboxes, potholes, code violations, downed signs, overgrown properties and swales, trash problems, etc. and they will get info to Net Office.
Art and events report: Trina Collins will give report on success of Gifford Lane Art Stroll, Women's Club luncheon Thurs. May 3 at 12 noon, , Gallery Walk on Sat., May 4 always the first Saturday of each month 7-10 pm.
BID Update: David Collins: pending improvements and proposals throughout business district inc. sidewalk project.
Nathan Kurland: Update and status of "Give It Back."
Carlos Lopez-Cantera, State Representative Majority Leader, Dist. 113
Jose Javier - candidate for State Representative Dist. 112 will speak.
Goldie Boutique welcomes Marcie's Peace Line
Well known makeup artist Marcie Lakin held a party last week for her company called Peace, Love Makeup Apothecary. Marcie is Miami's only Eco makeup artist and she has her line available locally at the Goldie Boutique at 3092 Fuller Street. The beautiful women came out to celebrate. From left: Nicole Linner, Ivanna Chueca Vidal, Rosana Garcia and Leslie Ames, owner of Goldie Boutique.
Leslie Ames and Marcie Lakin; Peace Love Makeup & Apothecary, specializes in eco luxe organic and natural cosmetics.
Kristina Holland and Elena Olson Holland, that's Ziggy in the middle.
David Liz with Mega TV.
Matthew W. Hoelscher and David Liz.
Hors d'oeuvres were served all night and the ladies got special makeup sessions with Marcie. Goldie Boutique is open daily from 11 am to 7 pm.
Photos by Matthew W. Hoelscher
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Chile's diverse flora to be discussed at Kampong

Currently FIU’s Conservatory and Greenhouse Curator, Zona has explored for plants in Florida, California, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, Bermuda, Pacific islands, Indonesia, Malaysia and Madagascar. His interests lie in horticulture and the taxonomic diversity of tropical plants, especially palms, salvias and woody ornamentals. He has contributed to over 130 publications, both scientific and popular, on palms and other tropical plants. He is coauthor of the forthcoming revised edition of the Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms (Timber Press, 2012). Zona is also co-editor of the International Palm Society’s quarterly journal, PALMS. He gardens in South Miami, where, ironically, his favorite palm, Jubaea chilensis, will not grow.
“We are pleased to welcome Scott Zona to The Kampong. He is a dynamic speaker, sure to engage novice and seasoned gardeners alike,” said Ann Parsons, Director of The Kampong.
The Kampong opens at 6:30 pm with a dessert reception, and the lecture begins at 7 pm.
Attendance is free to Kampong Fellows and Members; tickets for the public are $10.
Reservations required: 305.442.7169 or email
The Kampong is located at 4013 S. Douglas Road.
Young Patrons holding "Energy Happy Hour"

Members of the first place team will be the Green Champions! The “Energy Happy Hour” will also include an open bar with Voli Vodka provided by Gulf Liquors. Food may be purchased from some of South Florida’s favorite food trucks who will be on-site for the event.
Participants can form their teams prior to or during the event. Four people per team.
MiaSci’s Young Patrons is a thriving group of young professionals aged 21-45 with a mission to establish the Miami Science Museum as a beacon for professional exchange and networking in South Florida. The Young Patrons host a series of events throughout the year based out of the Museum. For more information, call 305-646-4209.
RSVPs are required. To RSVP or for more information, contact Adriana Oliva at 305-646-4248 or The $15 cover includes open bar and admission to the Museum at 3280 S. Miami Avenue.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Howling at the Wood with the Solar Dogs
The Solar Dogs performed at Saturday's 3rd Annual Big Howl in the Wood concert at the Shell Lumber yard. There was lots of music, dancing, art, food and booze. The local artists hang their art for sale up on the lumber and a couple of bars are set up. It's all about the wood, you are surrounded by all that lumber. At one point I was talking to a friend and I said to him, "knock on wood," and we had to almost roll on the floor laughing at the thought. We had our pick of wood to knock on!
The line for the M&M Barbecue wound all the way around the lumber yard, it was a 40 minute wait at some point, but well worth it.
The yearly event is really one of those Grove events that you could put up there with the Gifford Lane Art Stroll, Bed Races and King Mango Strut -- purely Coconut Grove and of course it seemed like the whole Grove came out to enjoy. The Solar Dogs are coming out with a new CD and they willare planning a CD Release Party, they aren't sure where or when yet, but soon and if you would like to be on their mailing list for the invite, please email them at
We have lots more photos of Saturday's event here.
Incredible weekend for Great Taste of the Grove
Sunday's crowd was much larger than Saturday's crowd at the Great Taste of the Grove. There were people all over the place. The lines to enter were long and the lines for food and drink even longer, that's a good problem to have.
The music acts were first rate. Favorites throughout the weekend were the Grove's own Pocket Change, shown here. They do a lot of Motown and R&B from yesterday and today, my favorite was when they did Cee Lo Green's "Forget You." Also, back at Peacock Park after his last engagement at the park during the Coconut Grove Arts Festival was 14-year-old Gibbor Green who knows how to work a crowd. Other Grovites and favorite performers were Campo Deluxe, Ryan Stone Music and Liane Little Eye.
Panorama, the Sonesta's restaurant won "Best Presentation" on Sunday, after winning "Best Taste" on Saturday, here, Belkys Nerey, of Channel 7, gives them their award, as Peter Laird, of the Taste of the Grove board, looks on.
Atchana Capellini, of Atchana's East/West Restaurant in the Mutiny Hotel, won "Best Taste" on Sunday. Here she is accepting her award.
We added more photos from Sunday's event to our Facebook album here.
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