Dharma for Kids Directly follows the art class, from noon to 1 pm. This Dharma class for kidsis led by Amira Valle. Amira is a long term devoted Buddhist practitioner. She is the mother of two kids and has been involved with teaching Dharma activities for many years. She is thrilled to share the understanding of Dharma through story telling and meditation instruction designed specifically for kids. This will help bring peace, harmony and a deeper connection into their lives. They welcome parents to join our Buddhist service upstairs while your kids are in class.
Also . . .
Knitting Class
From 10:00 to 11:30 am on Tuesdays and Sundays. Liz Rothfuss provides this knitting class for

Tea Ceremony
A Chinese Tea Ceremony will be offered from 2:00- 5:00 pm on Sundays and 10:00 am - noon on Tuesdays. The tea ceremony will introduce you to the benefits and varieties of tea within the authentic tea house environment. This is the only traditional ceremony of it's kind in Miami.
Join Master Tsai from 3:30 to 5:00 pm every Saturday to learn the art of calligraphy. Learn to make the ink, prepare the brush, and stroke the brush; all the components that make calligraphy such a special art. Suggested donation is $60 for 4 classes.
Zen Village is located at 3570 Main Highway. For info: info@zenvillage.org
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