I noticed something the other night which I found quite interesting. After all this time, it dawned on me that the Grove is made up of cliques. And maybe life is made up of cliques, but I noticed it here in the Village. I started looking around and found that the only common denominator of all these things is me. I am at all the events, but others aren't. I'm there to cover the events, otherwise, I wouldn't be at everything that goes on.
For instance, I may be with the Chamber group at one event and then the artists and galleries at another, but the Chamber people are not at the art events, not most, anyway. And then I may be at the Village Council meeting one night and then at Shakespeare in the Park the next, but no one from the Village Council meeting, on the dais and in the audience, is at Shakespeare.
The Taste of the Grove people are not part of the Gallery Walk, the Gallery Walk people are not part of the City Commission meetings, the BID meetings don't have people overlapping things that happen at the bar crawls or even the Bed Race and so it goes.
There is not much overlap. Is this good or bad?
We're not participating in all, or most, of what the Grove has to offer. We need to mix and mingle more.
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