The Miami Herald has a story regarding the Coconut Grove Playhouse, but it seems like a story that could have run a year ago. Most of the facts don't seem correct.
They say that the County Commission has come up with a recovery play, but as far as we know, the current board is still not budging.
They also say that GablesStage and Joseph Adler, production artistic director for GableStage will operate the Playhouse, but I have been told that those in the know do not want Adler or the name GablesStage associated with the Coconut Grove Playhouse, simply because they want their own identity, but it seems that at this point, anything is a good thing if it gets the playhouse opened again. Although that will be years in the making.
Michael Spring, the County's director of cultural affairs said this about GablesStage taking over the Playhouse, "It is a big advantage to start with a theater company that has instant artistic credibility."
Larry needs a lesson in artistic credibility. The Coconut Grove Playouse name is known world-wide and has been a real name for 50 years, the GableStage has been around for about 13 years. Not many people know of it. Just the mere announcment of the Coconut Grove Playhouse reopening would be world-wide news, using GableStage as a come-on is not needed.
The plan being talked about now is to put a large first class tent on the back lot area of the property, you know, with proper seating, lighting and air conditioning, and to start putting on productions, calling it the Coconut Grove Playhouse, as in, "See 'Wicked' at the Coconut Grove Playhouse, get your tickets now!" Something of that nature.
The Herald story is here.
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