Monday, January 3, 2011

You can't judge a book by it's cover

I was in The Bookstore before Christmas, waiting at the counter to pay for some books. Felice was helping a guy special order some books. I listened patiently as he gave her his order, it was a couple of very sophisticated titles, I don't remember what they were now, but they were interesting.

Then she asked for his name, it was interesting, sort of aristocratic. I looked up and he was wearing a wide brimmed hat, a nice jacket, horned rimmed glasses and a scarf. He reminded me of Thom Wolfe, only not all in white. I looked again, thinking it was some sort of teacher or author and to my surprise it was the 80 cents guy. You know, the guy that sits around, usually somewhere on Grand Avenue, asking for 80 cents for the bus.

Well, apparently, the 80 cents is adding up and going to his sophisticated taste in literature. I laughed to myself and after he left, I said to Felice, "That's the 80 cents guy!" She didn't know what I was talking about, but I got a good chuckle out of it.

Ironically, right in The Bookstore, I learned that you can't judge a book by it's cover.

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