He seems so quiet and unassuming when you see him, but Michael Stern is a powerhouse. He's got a huge personality and is a man of many talents.
Michael's main project these days is composing music for theater and movies and other types of entertainment. But he does so much more.
I met Michael one day while he was working on some sort of wooden object to hold semi precious stones, which is an expert in (the stones, not the wood, although he is quite good with his hands), he also carves ivory and amazingly plays ivory -- the keyboard.
Occasionally, he fills in for John Reubens at the Mayfair Antique Market at the cuff link area. He is amazing with customers, he keeps them enthralled. He is a great salesman, but a great conversationalist, too. He knows something about everything and has such an easy way about him. He's fun and interesting to visit with. I can almost see him doing a talk show like Merv Griffin or something like that, which would be perfect in the Merv Griffin set at the Antique Market. (There's an old-style orange-based living room area, which reminds us of the Merv Griffin set, like on that Seinfeld episode, stop by and see it any time).
But my favorite has to be the piano. You can hear him play at the Antique Market and at many parties, where he is hired to perform. He plays by ear. I told him about a friend I had when I was a child who played by ear and my friend one day played the All in the Family closing theme for me and I was amazed and delighted. Michael remembered this and one day started playing the All in the Family song for me. Everyone at the Antique Market smiled and applauded. It brought back many memories.
While he plays classical music and popular and just about everything, I really enjoy the tv theme songs. He has also played The Waltons theme and Green Acres, for me.
When he doesn't have a bevy of beautiful women surrounding him, he's at the keyboard or honing his woodworking and ivory carving skills. He's a total Renaissance man and people notice and appreciate it.
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