Balu Vandor (left) and Joe Fadel flank Daisy Lewis at last night's Get Rolling Gathering, the Great Grove Bed Race Happy Hour/Rally. They are in front of the fountain bed made by the Mayfair team last year.
Balu and Joe are part of the Puff Dragon Boat Team and they signed up on the spot to have a bed in the race this year. Dragon Boat, I can just picture the bed now. They were asking me about certain rules and if they could add certain adornments to the bed, so it might get pretty interesting.
According to their dragon boat team's mission statement, they "compete to win, but in the process, they play fair and display courtesy."
For more info on the Puff Dragon Boat Team, you can go here: and to join in on the Great Grove Bed Race, you may sign up for a team here:
Race day is September 5, there will be another Get Rolling Gathering next month, we'll announce the date and location here. It's a great way to meet the other team, gain some track inches on race day for your team and have your bed-making questions answered.
Below are members of the Bed Race Committee: Steve Licata, Daisy Lewis, Brian Davis and Barbara Ferenczi at The Taurus last night.
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