I've noticed lately that the police are ticketing cars at Kennedy Park. Not the ones in the parking lot, but the ones parked along the street on both sides of South Bayshore Drive.
This can be a good or bad thing. It's interesting to note that the parking lot only holds about 40 cars, so if you have four people per car (most have one or two), then that is 160 people. For a huge park like Kennedy to only have 160 people (and possibly dogs), that doesn't make much sense.
It's true that many people ride their bikes or walk to the park from the neighborhoods surrounding it, but the limited parking limits the people in the park. It's good if you like less people in the park, it's bad if you want people to use the park since that's what it's there for.
Kennedy Park is 29 acres, so if you only have 160 people (from full cars), that's less than six people per acre. Add another hundred or so people and it's still very roomy.
One police officer told me that neighbors who live across the street from the park are calling in complaints, so the police are just doing their duty. He suggested that people park down the block at the meters, I think he means by Monty's. People usually come to the park to walk or exercise, so the extra block or so should not affect them.
It reminds me of people who try to get the closest parking spot at the gym, they don't want to exert themselves walking to the front door, where they plan on working out anyway.
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