Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mangoheads are taking control of the Strut

The Mangoheads are taking things into their own hands, they plan on forming a board for King Mango Strut, Inc.

They claim that Antoinette Baldwin (shown here as Sarah Palin at last year's Strut) and Glenn Terry, those in control now, have tried for two years to come to some sort of agreement (they each have their own ideas on how to run the 29 year old parade) and now it is time for the Mangoheads to save the King Mango Strut once and for all before it all ends. Through the past two years of strife, the parade did manage to go on, we were even parodied last year as the "Gripe Vine."

The new plan proposed was that Antoinette and Glenn remain on the board and seven new members be selected through nominations. Nominations were sent in by Mangoheads (King Mango members “actively” involved in at least one Strut in the last three years), the deadline is today, May 5, by 5 pm.

According to the instructions that went out, "The first thing this Board will have to do is write new by-laws, generate funding, and create goodwill with the Grove community. Secondly, this Board will make all decisions concerning whether or not to seek 501c3 status, license agreements, and all other such decisions. Lastly, they will be responsible for putting on the King Mango Strut 2010, Sunday, December 26, 2010 including all the leg-work associated with City permitting, Police, Sanitation, Barricades, Security, Insurance, and Merchandise Sales, etc. This should not be a popularity contest but a choice of people you feel will put a considerable amount of effort into this endeavor."

We all have to agree that action is needed, and finally some cooler heads are going to take some action. This Coconut Grove signature event is known world-wide, it's one of the events that puts the "nut" in Coconut Grove!

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