Last night author Tasha Cunningham had a book signing at The Bookstore for her new self-help book "So the Bastard Broke Your Heart, Now What?" Tasha is flanked above by Sandy Francis and Felice Dubin, The Bookstore owners.
Misha’s Cupcakes and sponored the event. There was complimenatry wine and delicious cupcakes and everyone who purchased a book got a pink goodie bag that included a free trial membership on
Tasha got comfy cozy as she read from her book, as Felice looked on. There was a full audience with a very lively discussion of the do's and don'ts of intertnet dating and how to know if you have a dud on your hands. This book came about when Tasha and a few friends were blogging back and forth about those duds, which became very popular reading, and the next thing she knew the book publishers came calling.
Below, Tasha signs a book for Anna Bierman of Coral Gables as Anna's daughter looks on.
Photos by AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt
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