How do I get one of these free parking passes? Too many people who work for the city have them and they are never on official business. The other day, three lovely ladies pranced out of a BMW in the rain and went to lunch and then they went shopping. Was this on city time, were they doing city business? I don't think they were. Why did they get to park free?
Why are we, the public, stalked by the Parking Authority, even mother's picking up their children at school are stalked, but dozens, dare I say, hundreds of city workers park for free espcially in these tough economic times. The City has depleted more than $50 million in reserves. Let the City workers pay for parking too. It will help bring more money to the City coffers and when their meters are expired, they can pay for those tickets, too in the way of citations like the rest of us mere mortals.
Oh, and let them drive their own cars. We taxpayers are tired of paying for the very cars that are used to stalk and mock us. Give them an allowence for whatever they may use their real cars for, but take away these free cars. 90% of the time they are not used for city business.
Let's have a new rule; City employees have to park and pay at meters in their own cars and not on the sidewalk either.
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