Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Let's promote the Grove on pizza boxes!

I was telling a few people around town that a good idea to maybe draw people to the Grove is post-it notes.

What say the Merchants Group or BID contact a few pizza places in Coral Gables or Pinecrest of Key Biscayne and give them post it notes so place on the outgoing pizza boxes, promoting Grove events?

Like say, the First Saturday Art Stroll -- the ad would be for that and go out on a Thursday and Friday on all pizza boxes. A local merchant could also offer a coupon as part of the post-it note, something people can use when they come to the Grove for the Art Stroll.

It can be used for the Antique Market, poetry night at the Bookstore, even the Bed Race -- post-it note coupons based in different towns around our surrounding area.

In return the pizza maker is paid or given some sort of other consideration for sending out the post-it notes on the boxes.

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