The Swoop-A-Thon Carnival is coming, a charitable event hosted by the Ransom Everglades School student run Volunteer Service Organization (VSO). Proceeds from this family friendly event will benefit Project Thrive of The Arc of South Florida. The goal of this year’s event is to raise between $20,000 and $30,000 to provide special touch-screen computers and multi-function wheelchairs for children with intellectual/developmental disabilities at an Arc affiliated school in Kendall.
The importance of these gifts to the students is immeasurable. The special computers will provide the students the opportunity to gain crucial experience with technology and develop their intellectual potential to the fullest extent possible. The multi-function wheelchairs will provide east of movement never thought possible by these kids, and will allow them to focus on other, more important areas of their development.
The Arc was founded in 1953 by parents who were concerned about the lack of programs for their children. The Arc is a national organization that strives to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities. The Arc’s Project Thrive is an early intervention program for children from the ages of birth to five years of age. Its services include educational techniques and specialized therapies. Once students graduate from the program, most enter the Miami-Dade County Public School system, but continue to rely on The Arc for access to their specialized support services.
The full day of activities includes tie-dye, face painting, arts and crafts, tubing, basketball, water balloon toss, a water slide, and more.
Swoop-A-Thon is Saturday, November 16, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Admission: $35 family, $25 adult, $10 Child, age 10 and under. Admission includes: t-shirt, raffle ticket, and lunch.
Ransom Everglades School is located at 3575 Main Highway.
For more information please contact VSO Director, Laura Miller at 305-460-8857 or
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