Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Staying on the same page

The following letter went out from activist Phillys Gross to Senator Gwen Margolis, I agree with this as I don't feel that the Waterfront Project is going to not exist and I don't believe that the area will ever be plowed down and made in to a park. There will be a project and putting something there will happen, but most would like something that fits in with the area. Casinos, Publix, Big Box stores and more are being mentioned as scared tactics, I don't agree with that, but perhaps it's true, it could happen. 

My parents live south, I joke about it being in the country when I visit. Years ago, the gas station owner used to ride his horse to work and tie it to a tree, that tree is now a bank and next door is a Publix and next to that are restaurants and shops. So it's all possible. This is on Old Cutler Road, which I sort of liken to our waterfront, in its historic value.

As for the "pitchfork" comment, I honestly don't think Comm. Sarnoff meant it as an insult, it's an expression. I don't agree with the project as-is, but it really is getting out of hand. I do believe that the rest of Miami is indifferent to the project and will vote for it, just because
it's something new. I do believe traffic will be a nightmare.

As for Phyllis' letter, it started an argument online and now makes us look amateurish and foolish as it's is dividing us and really not helping the cause. In this day of instant access and social media, there is no way to control the message unless we are all on the same page.

Here is the letter from Phyllis gross:

Dear Senator [Margolis]:

Enclosed is the petition  to be signed by everyone in the City of Miami. That, of course, includes people who do not live in this area and could care less about a potential Bayside on the water in Coconut Grove at the intersection of S. Bayshore Dr. and Pan American Dr. right across from the New Grand Bay Building, Grand Bay Plaza and Office in the Grove. The traffic would be unbearable and the Village of Coconut Grove would die if there was retail at that location.

I have been in many discussions with the builder, Jay Leyva and David Martin of Grand Bay. They are personally trying to get it lowered, but [Art] Noriega [Miami Parking Authority head] insists on retail stores which, of course,will fail as retail on the water side has failed before. Then, there most probably will be a big box store to fill the empty space...Publix has been trying to get in already. Perhaps, the next step could be Big Lots or a mini-Home Depot. Jay Leyva of Grove Harbor has planned a beautiful waterfront and agrees that there should be no construction at that site as without the retail, we would not need that many parking spaces. We would need some kind of tram or bus to take people up to the Center Grove. Human nature would be to eat on the water and not go into the Grove as it is too far to walk.

We have 2,300 signatures so far on the Petition. The wording was passed in July when everyone was out of town...now, as people come back and learn about this potential structure they are ready to fight. We would like to see the exact description of what we will be seeing at the voting stations. Instead, we have a rather innocuous group of words which, are at the very least, confusing.

I am sure that you know that there is much going on...I would be happy to speak with you personally about this. You can reach me at [she gives her number here]. Yes, Marc Sarnoff is squarely behind destroying the convention center and making another park in it's place. He claims that he has the money to do it, but we all doubt it. When I suggested to him that he did not have all of the money he needed for the project, he got angry and told me to put down my "pitchfork". I don't have a pitchfork, I just want to protect our waterfront as I live rightacross from the Coconut Sailing Club at Yacht Harbour.

I would be grateful for any insight you can give to me before September 12th as that is the day that the language will be approved for the vote on November 5th.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Phyllis Gross
Coconut Grove

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