Friday, August 9, 2013

DishCrawling through the Grove

On Wednesday night, August 7, the DishCrawl group came crawling through Coconut Grove. About 30 people attended the monthly event, which takes place in different South Florida neighborhoods. Timo's, The Grove Spot, Atchana's East/West Kitchen and The Bookstore in the Grove all participated. While four places doesn't seem like much, trust me, it is. The food served as part of the crawl is overwhelming. It's a lot to eat.

Above part of the happy group gets ready to dine at Timos's

The Grove Spot served quite a lot of food. I spoke with Olav Smith, owner of The Grove Spot, after the event. He was quite impressed by the group and the event itself. And Olav was quite generous.

 This is the Grove Spot spread -- the main feature was Olav's famous Wienerschnitzel.

The DishCrawl group made its way around the Grove by foot. Here they are on their way to Atchana's. Guess they don't know the shortcut through the parking lot off of Grand.

Siri, at Atchana's, explains to the group what they are about to receive, out by the pool. What a nice place to dine -- poolside.

Lots to at at Atchans's that night. Looks like they put a little bit of everything from their menu on the plate.

And finally, the group made their way to the Bookstore for dessert . They offered Key Lime Pie, Apple Pie, Carrot Cake and Empanadas of all types from Nutella to Guava.

The DishCrawl happens each month, next month it's the "Taco Crawl" on Tuesday September 3, where the group will taste different taco dishes from around Miami. More info here:

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