This photo is going around Facebook, courtesy of Channel 7, WSVN.
The Miami Herald has moved to Doral and their building on the bay is being torn down soon to put up a condo and maybe one day a huge casino. So the letters are coming down first. I guess they will be saved otherwise they would just be torn down with the building.
This reminds me of when they took the Miami News sign. I think I told this story before. As you know, The Miami Herald and The Miami News shared the building for many years after the Miami News left the Freedom Tower building, which was actually built in the 1920s for the Miami News as their production and printing facility.
Anyway, The Miami News ended operation the last day of 1989, I always resented the Herald for not buying it and keeping it going, but anyway, the sign came down.
One day, I was with my friend Ron Miller, who owned Community Newspapers, his sons, Grant and Michael own it now. Anyway, we went over to Ron's house and there in the backyard were the big metal letters that said "THE MIAMI NEWS." I picture them as blue but I remember on the building they were red, so I am guessing they were red. They sprawled all around the yard, leaning on the back fence surrounding the yard. They were huge! I want to say about 16 feet each more or less.
Ron said he had seen them in a junk yard somewhere and couldn't let them just go to scrap. I'm wondering what the fate of the old Miami Herald letters will be. But at least the Herald is still alive and well, so while the letters are classic and antique, it is only the end of the era of the building and not the era of The Miami Herald.
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