If the politicians are so concerned about beautifying the waterfront, why don't they leave the old Pan Am terminal and make it into a restaurant/museum? They hate the Grove so much, they should all leave and head to an office building downtown, leaving the historic building for the public to enjoy.
I used to like having Miami City Hall in the Grove, I felt we could better keep our eyes on our elected officials, but what's the difference, they do what they want anyway, so let them move out.
And for those of you insisting that we knock down the Expo Center, City Hall is right next door, which actually does block the water views (except for the politicians who have excellent water views), unlike the Expo Center does, which is not actually near the water. Should we knock down City Hall if we get the chance? After all, what's history all about in Miami, to politicians and developers it's just a problem standing in the way of progress and $$$.
The Fresh Market, Scotty's, Chart House all block the waterfront, should they all go so that people have a view? How about we go up and down Brickell and take down all the condos, same with condo canyon in Miami Beach, let's knock it all down so people can drive by and see the water.
Guys, the damage is done, stop being silly, if you were so concerned about the water views being blocked, you should have been here 80 years ago fighting it. The horse is out of the barn now, we cannot undo what was done. Should we knock down the historic Pan Am hangars, too? They block the water views as well.
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