The Legendary Miami Rock Band, Article 66 istaking the stage tonight, which could be for the last time. Don't miss this special performance!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Let's stop this school nonsense on S. Bayshore
This is the property, and house, in question, at the 1621 S. Bayshore Drive location, where the proposed school wants to set up shop. Imagine if you wanted to move your business to a nice neighborhood, picture your widgets factory or car dealership moving to the North or South Grove, in that nice shiny house up on the hill. Well, that is what's being asked here.
A lady, Joan Rodriguez, who owns a school in another area of the county (1414 Coral Way) has decided that she wants to move it to Coconut Grove, which is great, but she has chosen a residential area in the Grove and is bringing her 100 students with her. I don't get the concept of taking a business from a business district and just going house hunting in an elegant neighborhood and deciding that that is where the business/school will go.
Next door to the property in question is a nice large plantation house, which you can see below. What is to stop the school from expanding to the plantation house if they happened to move in next door? Next to that right now, is a law firm that is in another plantation house. And by the way, the property on the other side of the 1621 property is for sale, so what is to stop the school for buying that up, too, and taking over the block?
This school does not belong in this North Grove neighborhood. It is not zoned for it. And there is no need for it. It's all an idea based on selfishness. Some people feel that Grovites are closed-minded and have a NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude. But the property is NOT zoned for a school or business. That should be the end of discussion. The city needs to stop accepting special zoning requests for stupid reasons. What next, a 7-11 to accommodate the students on the lot off of Micanopy behind the school?
For those of you who think we are being unkind to the school, perhaps you can email me a list of houses for sale on your block and we can send the school there. Since you think it's such a good thing for the area.
Please make plans to attend the Planning and Zoning hearing on Wednesday, June 6 to stop this nonsense. The meeting is at 6:30 pm at City Hall (3500 Pan American Drive).
NOTE: The comments section has been closed due to abuse by anonymous posters. Please feel free to email your comments and they'll be posted as a Letter to the Editor, with your name posted as a signature. Thanks.
Tree planting project is this Saturday morning
The TREEmendous Miami group along with the Tropical Flowering Tree Society are having a tree planting event this Saturday, June 2.
Volunteers are still needed to help with this effort to add flowering and native trees and shrubbery in the Metrorail right of way.
Volunteers (18 and older) should meet that morning at 8:30 am, in the parking lot of the Coconut Grove Metrorail Station located at SW 27 Avenue and US 1. Volunteers are encouraged to wear hard-soled, closed shoes and sun protection. If you have one, please bring a shovel and/or a wheel barrow or other container that can be used for carrying mulch that will be placed around the trees. Refreshments will be provided during the planting.
To sign up, please visit If you need any further information or have any questions, please contact Steve Pearson at or call 305-233-3619.
Volunteers are still needed to help with this effort to add flowering and native trees and shrubbery in the Metrorail right of way.
Volunteers (18 and older) should meet that morning at 8:30 am, in the parking lot of the Coconut Grove Metrorail Station located at SW 27 Avenue and US 1. Volunteers are encouraged to wear hard-soled, closed shoes and sun protection. If you have one, please bring a shovel and/or a wheel barrow or other container that can be used for carrying mulch that will be placed around the trees. Refreshments will be provided during the planting.
To sign up, please visit If you need any further information or have any questions, please contact Steve Pearson at or call 305-233-3619.
Neith Nevelson's art to be featured at Gallery Walk
Neith Nevelson is without a doubt a premiere artist. Dynamic, delicate, independent, complex, evocative, ardent nonconformist, and a prolific master with an undeniable personal mystique and genius. As she is studied further, the more she tends to resemble the vastest colorful universe.
Neith comes from a most prominent artistic heritage, she is the granddaughter of iconic Louise Nevelson, one of the most important sculptors of the twentieth century, under whom Neith learned her craft and techniques and became an artist very early. Today Neith Nevelson with her immense body of fine work stands on her own pedestal as a living legend of serious art and an American treasure.
Her paintings mainly revolve around three subjects, horses, nudes and faces, each piece with rich imagery painted with strokes of a master. An exhibit of recent works by Neith (left) will be on display at Wine…Etc. located at 3197 Commodore Plaza on Saturday June 2, starting at 6:30 pm to coincide with this coming first Saturday of the month’s Coconut Grove Gallery Walk.
All of the Coconut Grove galleries will be offering something special. From 7 to 10 pm, enjoy the art, stroll the village, enjoy music and refreshments at each gallery.
There's plenty of parking around the Grove, on the street and in parking lots and garages. Come out, enjoy the evening. It's always a fun event. You just stroll the village and you never know where you'll end up. The Drum Circle will be out in full force as usual, join in when you come upon them, play drums, dance, hula hoop -- it's all there!
Maps are handed out of all the galleries so you'll find your way from place to place very easily.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Getting a beach bod for the summer

Marc trains at RED Elite Peronal Training studio in Coconut Grove, but also trains clients at their homes, offices and condos.
At the gym, training is available from 6 am to 6 pm. Marc uses weights, kettle bells, resistance bands, cable machines and more to get you in shape.
For a free consultation to see what Marc can do for you, please call him at 305-491-1109.
New school proposed for South Bayshore Drive
There is a proposal for a new school to be built in a North Grove residential neighborhood. The school plans to ask the Planning and Zoning Board for an exception on the zoning to allow a pre-school and elementary school to be built at the property located at 1621 S. Bayshore Drive, on the historic Silver Bluff. This is near the emergency entrance to Mercy Hospital. It's across the street near Bay Heights.
It will sort of have the same effect as building on the Mercy Hospital site. The ramifications include an increase in traffic, noise, excess people and opening up the tract for more development -- a sort of domino effect in the shady, quiet neighborhood, which is a spectacular entrance into Coconut Grove from the north.
But even worse would be if they used the back entrance, which they probably will. Micanopy would be to this school what Tigertail has become to Ransom -- a total traffic mess.
Residents feel that it will impact the area strongly, it is an incompatible use for the area and would overtax the existing infrastructure. The school would have just as dramatic an affect as the proposed Mercy Condos that were planned a few years back. That was thrown out for many reasons including the idea of "spot zoning," which is the same thing with the proposed school.
Many fear that this construction project could open the door for other development along S. Bayshore Drive in the North Grove, turning it from residential to another Brickell. The same old houses that you see there now, were the norm on Brickell Avenue at one time, too. Now they are high rises and offices.
The proposed school would totally contradict the special character of the existing zoning of NCD-3, Natural Conservation District, which was established to preserve the historic single-family residential character of the Grove and its significant natural flora and fauna.
A lady who is interested in the property, owns a Montessori school on Coral Way now, she feels that her kids need some green pasture -- right in the center of a quaint Grove neighborhood!
There is a petition and a meeting at the Zoning Board on Wednesday, June 6, at City Hall (3500 Pan American Drive), at 6:30 pm, to discuss the issue. Neighbors will be out in force to stand up for their quiet, scenic neighborhoods. This will affect everyone, not just the North Grove neighborhoods.
And guys (and gals), there is no Heat game that night! No excuse for you not to come out and defend your neighborhood.
To get more involved, please contact Lisa Treister at
NOTE: The comments section has been closed due to abuse by anonymous posters. Please feel free to email your comments and they'll be posted as a Letter to the Editor, with your name posted as a signature. Thanks.
To get more involved, please contact Lisa Treister at
NOTE: The comments section has been closed due to abuse by anonymous posters. Please feel free to email your comments and they'll be posted as a Letter to the Editor, with your name posted as a signature. Thanks.
75th Royal Poinciana Festival is this weekend
The Tropical Flowering Tree Society, is presenting the 75th annual Royal Poinciana Fiesta, from June 1 to 4. Miami's oldest festival has added new events to this year’s four-day festival to help commemorate its anniversary.
There is a kick off luncheon in Coral Gables including an art show and music. Grove events include a Tree Planting with TREEmendous Miami, which is scheduled for, Saturday June 2, 8:30 am, meeting at the Coconut Grove Metrorail Station, SW 27 Avenue and US 1. All volunteers, 18 years of age and older are welcome to help plant flowering trees along US 1 to beautify our city. For more information about the tree planting please call Steve Pearson at 305-233-3619.
On Sunday, June 3, the popular Trolley Tour shows off the spectacular blooming Poinciana trees in Coral Gables and Coconut Grove. Gates open at 11:30 am, Trolley Tour departs at 1:00 pm from The Kampong, 4013 Douglas Road. The South Florida Woodturners are providing a handcrafted, turned bowl made from Poinciana wood for a silent auction. BYO brown bag lunch and take self-guided tour of the Kampong. $25 per person. $8 for Kampong ONLY. Reservations Required: Please call Carol at 305-258-1086.
The four-day celebration wraps up on Monday, June 4, with the Fiesta at 7:00 pm at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, with hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, and jazz by Joe Donato. The 2012 Royal Poinciana Fiesta poster artist, Lisa Remeny, and artists Pauline Goldsmith, Linda Apriletti, Debra Cortese, and others will be showing and selling their Poinciana inspired art.
The full weekend's events may be seen at their website here.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Google is coming to town!
Google, in association with the Bacchus Dinner Club and the Coconut Grove Arts Festival is holding a Google+ presentation on Tuesday, June 12 where Google reps will be on hand to show local area businesses how to integrate Google+ and increase their exposure.
Bring your laptop, it's free! The social media event starts at 2 pm at the Arts Festival gallery at 3390 Mary Street, suite 128 at the Mayfair Atrium.
RSVP to or call 305-562-0044.
Refreshments will be provided by Atchana's East/West Kitchen.
Bring your laptop, it's free! The social media event starts at 2 pm at the Arts Festival gallery at 3390 Mary Street, suite 128 at the Mayfair Atrium.
RSVP to or call 305-562-0044.
Refreshments will be provided by Atchana's East/West Kitchen.
Wine Flight Dinner features Rosé wines
This May’s Wine Flight Dinner, at El Carajo, hosted by wine educator, Barry Alberts, is Wednesday, May 30 from 6 to 8 pm. It features all choice Rosé wines to cool your palate in anticipation of the beautiful Miami summer ahead.
- Course 1 -
Canard Duchene Rosé NV
Mediterranean seared Tuna Tataki
- Course 2 -
Whispering Angel 2011
Crab Spring Rolls with Sweet & Sour Sauce
- Course 3 -
Domaine Houchart 2010
Spinach Salad with Warm Bacon Vinagrette
- Course 4 -
Johnson and Foley 2009
Pan Seared Chilean Seabass over Sweet Potato Puree with a Cherry Tomato & Orange Sauce
- Course 5 -
Batasiolo Rosé Moscato NV
Mixed Berry Cazuelta with Vanilla Icecream
This casual yet elegant dinner includes several off the menu courses paired with wines to enhance their flavors. Be seated and start eating at your own table, and at your leisure, during the two hour seating window. Wine educator Barry Alberts will be floating around the dining room discussing and answering questions about the night’s wines.
$50 per person
Tax & Gratuity not included
RSVP Only – RSVP at least one day in advance!
Call 305.856.2424
El Carajo is at 2465 SW 17 Avenue.
No Gutts, no glory, he' setting a record!
Kevin Gutt, far right, a senior at the Academy of Arts & Minds here in the Grove, has not missed a day of school ever. That's ever! Never in 13 years!
He graduates on June 7 and the countdown to his perfect attendance record has begun.
"My dad and I were involved in a car accident [one time] and my first thought was I'm going to be late to school," Kevin said. But he made it to school, even after the crash, buy hopping a city bus and getting to school in time.
In addition to not ever missing any school Kevin is also in the top 25 of his graduating class. He plans to attend Florida International University in the fall and major in biomedical engineering he is also musical, he plays the violin.
Attending school every day is a family tradition for the Gutts family. Kevin's sister, also has never missed a day of school in the last 8 years. "It is a challenge and big responsibility for the parents too," admits Mrs. Gutt. Kevin plans to continue the perfect attendance record in college.
In addition to not ever missing any school Kevin is also in the top 25 of his graduating class. He plans to attend Florida International University in the fall and major in biomedical engineering he is also musical, he plays the violin.
Attending school every day is a family tradition for the Gutts family. Kevin's sister, also has never missed a day of school in the last 8 years. "It is a challenge and big responsibility for the parents too," admits Mrs. Gutt. Kevin plans to continue the perfect attendance record in college.
A & M school Director Jorge Suarez is constantly stressing to his students the importance of being in school and the importance of getting a good education. Kevin Gutt has provided Mr. Suarez with a perfect example.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
A bit of Vaudeville, a bit of Burlesque at Grove Spot
The Grove Spot, on Virginia Street, was the place for Vaudeville Saturday night. It was more than that, it was a bit variety show, a lot of comedy, and lots of Burlesque. The show started over an hour late, fitting for Miami, and fitting for this sort of show, which is usually a late thing.
This girl cracked me up because she had the most sultry voice you ever wanted to hear, but she looks like Tina Fey. It would have been cool at some point of she came out as Liz Lemon or even Sarah Palin! But her voice was incredible and that's all she really needed to do -- sing.
This "old" grandma, ended up as . . .
. . . this exotic fan dancer.
The fan dancer was a big hit (with a big ass), I am sure you would agree.
It was a fun and different way to spend a Saturday night. I was with a bunch of friends and each time I would go outside to take a break or read a text message, I would see so many other people I knew walking around the neighborhood.
This fire performer started the show off.
Saturday night had a real Grove-y feel to it for some reason. Maybe it's the fact that it's a holiday weekend and so many people were out and about.
ACS presenting Cancer Awareness Day
The American Cancer Society's Coconut Grove Relay For Life has been changed to a Cancer Awareness Day instead.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) and Shake-A-Leg Miami are presenting a Cancer Awareness Day at Shake-A-Leg Miami on Saturday, June 9, from 4 to 9 pm. The goal is to raise money for the ACS while enjoying live music by Mireya & Tony Medina.
There will also be a Chinese auction of various items donated by local businesses. Proceeds from the auction, will raise money for the ACS programs and services, including Road To Recovery, whereby cancer patients are driven to and from treatment; Reach To Recovery, a personal outreach from a breast cancer survivor to a newly diagnosed patient; the Resource Center in the Doral office where patients undergoing chemo can obtain wigs, scarves, temporary breast prostheses and bras at no-charge.
So this is not an all nighter group event, as the Relay For Life usually is, this is a family day of events. Anyone wishing to become a sponsor for this event, should call Janey Mayville, American Cancer Society Staff Partner, at 305.779.2843 or
Shake-A-Leg is located at 2620 S. Bayshore Drive.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) and Shake-A-Leg Miami are presenting a Cancer Awareness Day at Shake-A-Leg Miami on Saturday, June 9, from 4 to 9 pm. The goal is to raise money for the ACS while enjoying live music by Mireya & Tony Medina.
There will also be a Chinese auction of various items donated by local businesses. Proceeds from the auction, will raise money for the ACS programs and services, including Road To Recovery, whereby cancer patients are driven to and from treatment; Reach To Recovery, a personal outreach from a breast cancer survivor to a newly diagnosed patient; the Resource Center in the Doral office where patients undergoing chemo can obtain wigs, scarves, temporary breast prostheses and bras at no-charge.
So this is not an all nighter group event, as the Relay For Life usually is, this is a family day of events. Anyone wishing to become a sponsor for this event, should call Janey Mayville, American Cancer Society Staff Partner, at 305.779.2843 or
Shake-A-Leg is located at 2620 S. Bayshore Drive.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Science Museum and Vizcaya partner up
The Miami Science Museum and Vizcaya Museum and Gardens are hosting a celebration of their brand new Internship at Miami Science Museum and Vizcaya program in partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools. During the event, on Tuesday, May 29, attendees will preview the accomplishments of the students currently in the program, and learn more about it from program representatives.
The new program was introduced in spring 2012 at Miami Science Museum to enhance real-world training for high school students interested in embarking on a career in science and/or technology, and at Vizcaya Museum for those interested in a career arts, history and environment. The program is being piloted in partnership with Coral Gables Senior High School and MAST Academy, and provides 11th grade students with class credit in exchange for the experiential learning opportunity.
In attendance will be Miami-Dade Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez and 27 students in the program, along with their families. In addition, representatives of Miami Science Museum, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, and Miami-Dade County Public Schools will be speaking about the program. Students will present the work they have accomplished thus far, including projects on their iPads, a Miami Science Museum mobile app, Vizcaya iBook, and more. Refreshments will be provided.
The event is from 6 to 7:30 pm. The Miami Science Museum is at 3280 S. Miami Avenue.
Saving a couple of old mahoganies
This looks like an ad for the New Mod Squad or something, but it's a bunch of folks celebrating the relocation of a couple of trees. From left, front row: Crissy Yablonsky Rubin, from the Blonde Tulip florist, Liliana Dones of TreeWatch and Amador Suarez of the Blonde Tulip. In the back row, from left: Steve Duncan from Miami-Dade Public Works, David Cardenas from Miami-Dade Public Works, David Barco of the Blonde Tulip and Santiago Villegas of TreeWatch.
TreeWatch got involved to save two mahogany trees, shown here, that were slated for removal as part of the SW 27th Avenue streetscape project. Liliana and Santiago managed to get the trees saved and moved to the Seminole Boat Ramp area. They were even instrumental in their placement, as the spot where the County had chosen would have blocked the incredible view of Sailboat Bay from the hill on Mary Street, so thanks to TreeWatch, the trees were moved over a bit and the bay view was preserved as well as a view of the palm tree/park bench sculpture, which the trees would have blocked.
The Blonde Tulip crew was on hand to celebrate the saving of the trees. The Blonde Tulip has been busy lately, Pearl Meyer, owner of the flower shop, was part of the Real Housewives of Miami shoot last week at Villa Mayfair. The Blonde Tulip was responsible for making the place look beautiful for the production. Marysol Patton and her Patton Group was celebrating their 10th anniversary. Photos here. But where was Mama Elsa? I actually see Marysol and Mama at The Fresh Market often, as Mama lives just a few blocks away.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Three classic pieces from two reknowned authors
Pirandello and Kafka are being presented at A&M's Abanico Theater for two performances only, "The Melting Moon," is being presented live tonight, Friday May 25 and Saturday, May 26, at 8:00 pm both nights.
"I'm Dreaming, but Am I?" by Luigi Pirandello, tells the story of a young woman who has to decide between her current boyfriend and her former lover. The second play, "The Woman with the Flower on her Mouth," also by the same playwright, is the poetic story of a young woman whose thirst for life changes the existence of those around her. Finally, student Mariana Rogen adapts and directs her vision of Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" in which a human wakes up one morning and realizes he has turned into an insect-like creature.
The cast includes the graduating seniors Juan Orozco and Neyling Musa accompanied by Jessica Abad, Gaby Yeshua, Jeronimo Fernandez, Derek Zuazo and introducing Arielle Munteanu.
The Abanico Theater is located at 3138 Commodore plaza 4th floor at the School of Arts & Minds.
Adults: $12 / Students: $5 / A&M Students: $3.
Adults: $12 / Students: $5 / A&M Students: $3.
Rooftop Soiree at The Mayfair Hotel & Spa
Dine Magazine is having their next event at the Mayfair Rooftop on Thursday, May 21. Spartico has launched their new menu and they want to share their new recipes with you.
Italian favorites are part of the new menu, focusing on fresh ingredients from local purveyors. Sample gourmet bites and enjoy your favorite beverage. The event takes place from 6 to 8 pm.
Afterwards, enjoy live music downstairs at Spartico.
$10 for early bird pricing – bring a friend for free (available until Saturday, May 26) Please email both of your names after you purchase your ticket.
$10 in advance (available Sunday, May 27 – Thursday, May 31 at 5:00 pm.
$15 at the door.
Tickets include 1 Fragoli Passion (Fragoli and Prosecco) and a selection of complimentary hors d’oeuvres.
Buy now online here.
Smoked Salmon Roses with Avocado Puree
Mini Assorted Pizzettes
Fried Mozzarella Balls with Spicy Marinara
Homemade Beef Empanadas with a Mint Salsa
Italian favorites are part of the new menu, focusing on fresh ingredients from local purveyors. Sample gourmet bites and enjoy your favorite beverage. The event takes place from 6 to 8 pm.
Afterwards, enjoy live music downstairs at Spartico.
$10 for early bird pricing – bring a friend for free (available until Saturday, May 26) Please email both of your names after you purchase your ticket.
$10 in advance (available Sunday, May 27 – Thursday, May 31 at 5:00 pm.
$15 at the door.
Tickets include 1 Fragoli Passion (Fragoli and Prosecco) and a selection of complimentary hors d’oeuvres.
Buy now online here.
Smoked Salmon Roses with Avocado Puree
Mini Assorted Pizzettes
Fried Mozzarella Balls with Spicy Marinara
Homemade Beef Empanadas with a Mint Salsa
Triathlon Group Training Program starting
Alien Endurance is holding a Triathlon Group Training Program info meeting at TriJungle (2829 Bird Road, suite 11), on Tuesday, May 29 from 7 to 8 pm.
Are you finally ready to join South Florida's premier triathlon training group? Learn about all of the benefits and features of the group including: swim and track sessions at UM led by the UM coaches, yoga for endurance athletes, complete and detailed personal online calendar and account, great discount programs and more.
Every potential new member will receive an Alien Endurance drawstring pack, transition towel, and 50% off their first month.
Call Andy Clark at 305-807-2896 for more info, or you can email him at
Are you finally ready to join South Florida's premier triathlon training group? Learn about all of the benefits and features of the group including: swim and track sessions at UM led by the UM coaches, yoga for endurance athletes, complete and detailed personal online calendar and account, great discount programs and more.
Every potential new member will receive an Alien Endurance drawstring pack, transition towel, and 50% off their first month.
Call Andy Clark at 305-807-2896 for more info, or you can email him at
Enjoy a peaceful holiday weekend in the Grove
Even though I'm not leaving town for Memorial Day, I am thrilled to not be part of the massive crowds that Miami Beach will have to deal with. I have friends who live in South Beach who are staying in the Grove for the weekend, which I suspect many South Beach locals may do.
We plan on breakfasts and dinners out, Vaudeville at The Grove Spot on Saturday night, the gym, bike riding and Waffle Sunday at The Bookstore on Sunday morning.
I like the peacefulness of the Grove. I'm sure there's room for many of you South Beachites who need a break this weekend. Check the list of hotels on the Chamber website here and maybe you can get a good deal for this weekend, along with some peace and quiet. I was looking at the village from a visitor's viewpoint, and you know, there is plenty to do here.
If you scroll down through all our stories here, you'll find a bunch of events coming up for the weekend, which you might enjoy from Jazz Night at the Grove Spot or Calamari to Happy Hour on the Mayfair Rooftop for their Friday Happy Hour Rendezvous, there's the peaceful Peacock Garden Cafe and Commodore Plaza, too for dining and shopping. "The Melting Moon" is being presented live at the Abanico Theater on Commodore Plaza, too. And so many galleries to enjoy. Ride bikes, visit the gyms, lay out at the various hotel pools or just stroll around the village. We have The Improv for drinks and a night of comedy, the movies at CocoWalk and our waterfront and parks to enjoy.
I think I called it the anti-South Beach a few years ago, not meaning it derogatory, I just mean it as being the quiet alternative to a crazy South Beach weekend. In fact, we have the best of both worlds, because we can head out to South Beach for part of the weekend if we like, and thankfully, come back here to the peace when we're done partying.
We plan on breakfasts and dinners out, Vaudeville at The Grove Spot on Saturday night, the gym, bike riding and Waffle Sunday at The Bookstore on Sunday morning.
I like the peacefulness of the Grove. I'm sure there's room for many of you South Beachites who need a break this weekend. Check the list of hotels on the Chamber website here and maybe you can get a good deal for this weekend, along with some peace and quiet. I was looking at the village from a visitor's viewpoint, and you know, there is plenty to do here.
If you scroll down through all our stories here, you'll find a bunch of events coming up for the weekend, which you might enjoy from Jazz Night at the Grove Spot or Calamari to Happy Hour on the Mayfair Rooftop for their Friday Happy Hour Rendezvous, there's the peaceful Peacock Garden Cafe and Commodore Plaza, too for dining and shopping. "The Melting Moon" is being presented live at the Abanico Theater on Commodore Plaza, too. And so many galleries to enjoy. Ride bikes, visit the gyms, lay out at the various hotel pools or just stroll around the village. We have The Improv for drinks and a night of comedy, the movies at CocoWalk and our waterfront and parks to enjoy.
I think I called it the anti-South Beach a few years ago, not meaning it derogatory, I just mean it as being the quiet alternative to a crazy South Beach weekend. In fact, we have the best of both worlds, because we can head out to South Beach for part of the weekend if we like, and thankfully, come back here to the peace when we're done partying.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Fish Fry to raise money for Grove Track team
The Coconut Grove Track Club is having a fundraiser, which sounds delicious.
On Friday, May 25, they're having a Fish (and chicken) Fry at Virrick Park (3255 Plaza Street). They are having fried chicken and fish, salad, rice and soft drinks for sale to raise money for the team.
It all starts at 3 pm.
Coconut Grove Track Club is a self-funded organization. All profits go to help some financially less fortunate athletes go to the National Championships in Houston TX, which is on July 27.
See you at the fry!
On Friday, May 25, they're having a Fish (and chicken) Fry at Virrick Park (3255 Plaza Street). They are having fried chicken and fish, salad, rice and soft drinks for sale to raise money for the team.
It all starts at 3 pm.
Coconut Grove Track Club is a self-funded organization. All profits go to help some financially less fortunate athletes go to the National Championships in Houston TX, which is on July 27.
See you at the fry!
Vaudeville Night at The Grove Spot on Saturday
The Grove Spot has a special night of Vaudeville planned for Saturday, May 26.
Enjoy comedy, Burlesque, music and a circus sideshow presented by Sofia Luna. Admission is free. Show starts at 8 pm.
The Grove Spot is at 3324 Virginia Street.
"Veterans' Grove" dedication at Wainwright Park
The City of Miami joins Leadership Miami Team 6, Stand Up and Reach Miami, local veterans and community leaders to kick off a weekend of Memorial Day celebrations by dedicating the beautiful Veterans' Grove at Alice Wainwright Park (2845 Brickell Avenue, East Coconut Grove) to all the veterans of the United States Armed Forces in honor of their service, which has kept our nation safe and preserved the values that we hold dear. The ribbon cutting is Friday, May 25 at 11 am.
Stand Up and Reach Miami is a diverse group of individuals from the business and education professional communities of Miami-Dade County. As one of six groups participating in the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s 2012 Leadership Miami class, Stand Up and Reach Miami is committed to raising awareness and recognition of our county’s veterans.
Stand Up and Reach Miami is a diverse group of individuals from the business and education professional communities of Miami-Dade County. As one of six groups participating in the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s 2012 Leadership Miami class, Stand Up and Reach Miami is committed to raising awareness and recognition of our county’s veterans.
UM Hall of Fame Bay Day on Adventure Island
Shake-A-Leg Miami is starting up their summer camps. Recently there was an outing to the islands offshore, right here in the Grove, the outing was called, UM Hall of Fame Bay Day. Above are Joseph Ramirez, with his sons Felipe, left, and Diego, right.
150 to 200 people, including many students from schools around Miami Dade County attended. Various activities were organized, including sailing, kayaking and visits to "Adventure Island" just offshore. On the little island the kids enjoyed a scavenger hunt.
Jason was one of the many volunteers for the day.
These little guys are on the Pearson boat, on the way to Adventure Island.
This is one of the volunteer lifeguards on Adventure Island.
The kids had an amazing time. There is so much to do on the island.
Diego can't wait to go back!
Photos by Joe Ramirez
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Help beautify the community at tree planting event
And now for some nice tree-related news, the TREEmendous Miami group along with the Tropical Flowering Tree Society are having a tree planting event on US1 on Saturday, June 2. They have done this before along the side of the road, under the Metrorail tracks and other areas.
Volunteers are needed to help with this effort to add flowering and native trees and shrubbery in the Metrorail right of way along the City of Miami's portion of South Dixie Highway (US1).
Volunteers (18 and older please) will meet that morning at 8:30 am, in the parking lot of the Coconut Grove Metrorail Station located at SW 27 Avenue and US 1. After signing in and debriefing, volunteers will be divided into teams to work on specified portions of the project.
Volunteers are encouraged to wear hard-soled, closed shoes and sun protection. If you have one, please bring a shovel and/or a wheel barrow or other container that can be used for carrying mulch that will be placed around the trees. Refreshments will be provided during the planting.
This event will be partnering with the Tropical Flowering Tree Society, which is presenting the 75th annual Royal Poinciana Fiesta, from June 1 – 4, 2012, which includes a long weekend of events, along with Royal Poinciana tours of Coconut Grove and Coral Gables. Details here.
To sign up, please visit the website of TREEmendous Miami at If you need any further information or have any questions, please contact Steve Pearson at or call 305-233-3619.
Volunteers are needed to help with this effort to add flowering and native trees and shrubbery in the Metrorail right of way along the City of Miami's portion of South Dixie Highway (US1).
Volunteers (18 and older please) will meet that morning at 8:30 am, in the parking lot of the Coconut Grove Metrorail Station located at SW 27 Avenue and US 1. After signing in and debriefing, volunteers will be divided into teams to work on specified portions of the project.
Volunteers are encouraged to wear hard-soled, closed shoes and sun protection. If you have one, please bring a shovel and/or a wheel barrow or other container that can be used for carrying mulch that will be placed around the trees. Refreshments will be provided during the planting.
This event will be partnering with the Tropical Flowering Tree Society, which is presenting the 75th annual Royal Poinciana Fiesta, from June 1 – 4, 2012, which includes a long weekend of events, along with Royal Poinciana tours of Coconut Grove and Coral Gables. Details here.
To sign up, please visit the website of TREEmendous Miami at If you need any further information or have any questions, please contact Steve Pearson at or call 305-233-3619.
Something is shady about this tree survey

The appeal most likely will be in September, since it is too late for the July appeal and it is believed that the HEP board does not meet in August.
TreeWatch is in the process of incorporating as an organization. They are looking for "a competent arborist that is not on the BID's payroll -- someone who is not a consultant to or may be a consultant to the City, to review each tree and the reasons cited for removal so that they can prepare a position of their own." The City and BID's paid Horticultural Consultant, Lisa Hammer, provided a report in October 2010, whose position is that these trees are sick/dangerous and need to be removed.
So far, almost two years later, the trees are greener, stronger and healthier than ever, and we have had some wild weather this past year, which did not affect a single branch on these so-called "sick and dangerous" trees.
If you read the reports (I have links below), one section calls a Bottle Brush tree outdated, which is making it grounds for removal. Other suggestions say that Lisa is not sure of the condition of the tree. Well, almost two years later, they are healthy and thriving. That's their conditions.
One tree is said to have "root suckers in planter." Say what? Another is prone to breakage, two years later, there is no breakage.
Imagine if every city in every country decided to go from tree to tree to assess them. Would any trees be around today or would they all be relocated or removed due to not being perfect. As we have stated before, being imperfect is the very nature of what trees are about.
Leave the trees alone on Commodore Plaza and the rest of the Grove for that matter. Redo the sidewalks without harming the old, shady, beautiful trees.
Have you seen the replacements on SW 27 Avenue in the center of the new median? This is what the replacement trees will look like -- a fraction of what is there now.
Some Links:
TreeWatch Petition to Save Our Trees
Commodore Plaza Tree Survey done in 2010
Commodore Plaza Tree removal diagram
Leave the trees alone on Commodore Plaza and the rest of the Grove for that matter. Redo the sidewalks without harming the old, shady, beautiful trees.
Have you seen the replacements on SW 27 Avenue in the center of the new median? This is what the replacement trees will look like -- a fraction of what is there now.
Some Links:
TreeWatch Petition to Save Our Trees
Commodore Plaza Tree Survey done in 2010
Commodore Plaza Tree removal diagram
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Here is the notice about the tree postings
This is the notice that went out finally for the tree postings this week for the removal of trees on Commodore Plaza. Originally, it seemed as if no one was notified. I suspect TreeWatch will file an appeal.
The Public Works Department will post twelve (12) trees on May 23, 2012.
The applicant: Capital Improvement Programs (CIP) has requested to remove eleven (11) trees (211, 212, 218, 222, 225, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, and 238) and relocate one (1) Gumbo Limbo tree(#237). This is for CIP Project #B-30687 located on Commodore Plaza between Grand Avenue and Main Highway. They will plant 22 Replacement trees as per Tree Protection Ordinance Section 17.6. Please see the attached inspection report for pictures of each tree.
Public Works respectively requests that you forward this notification to the applicable Home Owner Associations (HOAs) as per Chapter 17-4(d) of the City Code.
The posting date will serve as the start date of the protest period.
The protest period will end 10 business days from posting – June 1, 2012.
Regina L. Hagger, GISPGIS Developer
City of Miami Public Works Department
Phone:(305) 416-1749
Fax: (305) 416-1278
Grove Elementary holding Scholastic Book Fair
Coconut Grove Elementary School is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair on Wednesday and Thursday, May 23 and 24. 100% of funds raised will help purchase books for the School Media Center and classroom’s libraries. Families, faculty, and the community are invited to attend this fun reading event that helps inspire children to become lifelong readers.
The Book Fair will be open each day from 7:45 to 8:45 am and 3:00 to 4:30 pm. The Book Fair offers specially priced books and educational products, including popular series, award-winning titles, new releases, and other great reads from more than 100 publishers.
The school is located at 3351 Matilda Street, the books can be found in the Cafeteria.
Books can also be bought online and still benefit school here: The online sale is open until May 28, 2012.
The Book Fair will be open each day from 7:45 to 8:45 am and 3:00 to 4:30 pm. The Book Fair offers specially priced books and educational products, including popular series, award-winning titles, new releases, and other great reads from more than 100 publishers.
The school is located at 3351 Matilda Street, the books can be found in the Cafeteria.
Books can also be bought online and still benefit school here: The online sale is open until May 28, 2012.
TEDx event coming to Coconut Grove in the Fall
Something exciting is happening at Ransom Everglades Upper School. For the first time, a TEDx event, a conference gathering the world's most brilliant people to discuss Technology, Entertainment, and Design, will be coming to Coconut Grove.
Ransom Everglades Upper School will be hosting the conference: "TEDx CoconutGrove". The event will take place on September 28, 2012 at Ransom's campus (3575 Main Highway) from noon to 9 pm.
From the website: "TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.
The theme of the Coconut Grove conference is "Square One: the power of reinvention," and this is where you come in. The Coconut Grove community is invited to apply to be speakers at the conference! I can think of quite a few Grovites who are perfect for this. If you're interested in speaking, please ask for an application by emailing
Fore more info, please visit their site here:
Ransom Everglades Upper School will be hosting the conference: "TEDx CoconutGrove". The event will take place on September 28, 2012 at Ransom's campus (3575 Main Highway) from noon to 9 pm.
From the website: "TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.
The theme of the Coconut Grove conference is "Square One: the power of reinvention," and this is where you come in. The Coconut Grove community is invited to apply to be speakers at the conference! I can think of quite a few Grovites who are perfect for this. If you're interested in speaking, please ask for an application by emailing
Fore more info, please visit their site here:
Monday, May 21, 2012
Talking Coconut Grove real estate
The real estate market in Coconut Grove has changed dramatically over the past year. To get the latest on what's going on, join Grove realtor, Riley Smith tonight for a discussion about where the market has been and where it is headed. This is a "must attend" event for anyone who is considering selling or buying in Coconut Grove.
That's tonight, May 21 at 7 pm at Greenstreet Café (3468 Main Highway). Everyone is welcome, seating is limited, so get there early.
Grove Realtor, Carole Smith also has a realty talk, the first Thursday of each month. This is actually a casual breakfast at the Peacock Garden Cafe (2889 McFarlane Road). Meet Carole of EWM starting at 8:30 am and talk about the local real estate market and what is happening today. The next breakfast with Carole is Thursday, June 7.
That's tonight, May 21 at 7 pm at Greenstreet Café (3468 Main Highway). Everyone is welcome, seating is limited, so get there early.
Grove Realtor, Carole Smith also has a realty talk, the first Thursday of each month. This is actually a casual breakfast at the Peacock Garden Cafe (2889 McFarlane Road). Meet Carole of EWM starting at 8:30 am and talk about the local real estate market and what is happening today. The next breakfast with Carole is Thursday, June 7.
Virrick Park Committee meets tonight
The Elizabeth Virrick Park Committee meets tonight, May 21, at the park's computer room (3255 Plaza Street) at 6:30 pm. The meeting is open to the public.
Elizabeth Virrick Park has some of the best indoor and outdoor basketball courts, they have a great music and educational program (in partnership with the University of Miami).
The park has nice picnic areas for the family, and also has a modern co-located Miami-Dade County Public Library branch and upon approval, will have the future home of Miami’s first Venetian style Olympic Pool/Beach area (replacing the existing pool). So go to the meeting and be part of your park and meet new and old friends.
Executive Committee:
President – Carl Askia El-Amin
1st Vice President – Ruth Ewing
2nd Vice President – Gordon Fales
Treasure – Twyman Bentley
Secretary – Position Open; They are looking for one. Are you interested?
City of Miami Park Representative – Vicky Covington
Cabana Rooftop is location of next Chamber event
Rooftop Cocktails Await… Promote your business, make contact, have a great time and win prizes at the next Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce Networker/Cocktail party.
The Cabana Rooftop Lounge at the Mayfair Hotel & Spa is the location, on Wednesday, May 23, from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. The Mayfair is at 3000 Florida Avenue.
Enjoy a complimentary glass of beer or wine and hors d’oeuvres with admission and then enjoy Happy Hour prices on additional drinks, plus a chance to win great raffle prizes.
$10 for Grove Chamber members, $15 for future members.
Also, take advantage of Spartico’s post-event $25 prix-fixe, three-course dinner menu for friends of the Chamber, down in the lobby restaurant.
RSVP: 305-444-7270 or
Party at Grove Ink to celebrate their new location
Grove Ink, the tattoo shop, celebrated it's move to Grand Avenue with a party Sunday night. What I call the "real Grovites" showed up -- the restaurant and salon workers, the bike shop owner, the bar owners, the Grove Dog rescue friends, the people who actually make Coconut Grove what it is.
There was live music and it ended up being the only place to be in town by the end of the night. It seemed as if the whole Grove stopped by to say hello.
There was wine and champagne and pink cupcakes and loli pop cupcakes. Allison Sagehorn, from The Sale Rack, around the corner, serves up champagne. More photos of the party here.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Gypsy Heart entertains everyone at CocoWalk
Gyorgy Lakatos and his group, Gypsy Heart performed at CocoWalk on Saturday night. And while it started out a little rainy, the rain stopped right as the concert began.
That's Peggy Quattro, CocoWalk's Marketing Manager with Gyorgy, before the show. Peggy would make a great band manager, she saw to it that they had everything they needed, including a "green room" which she set up in one of the storefronts.
The Gypsy Hearts played for hours and as the night went on, the crowds got so much larger. A Hungarian tv station filmed the whole thing for a documentary.
Jimmy Picos, the balloon artist, did his thing during the night.
It was one of the longest, and best concerts at CocoWalk, Peggy tells me there will be more. Famous musician and Grovite, Bobby Ingram, left, helped all afternoon with the set-up, getting the stage and sound equipment just right. In center is Stephanie Gonzalez, Peggy's assistant at CocoWalk and Carol Hawks, former, Coconut Grove Arts Festival president.
Update on the Grand Avenue trees
A guy named Nikalai, wrote a letter to the Miami Herald, it ran yesterday. He was bitching about the trees on Grand Avenue being removed, you know, the scrawny ones with the yellow flowers. But that's good news as we reported in April. Those trees that are always falling over and never seem to grow are being replaced by sturdy Verawoods.
The scrawny yellow ones are going to the entrance to Virginia Key.
Nikalai was right about his assessment saying that, "There was no public notice. Just a done deal." But TreeWatch was notified and there was discussion about it and there are large signs like the one shown above, up and down Grand Avenue.
While this project has big signs on the street, but not much public input, the right thing seems to be getting done. Better and stronger trees that look the same as the current ones (with the yellow flowers) will now be put in their place and rather than just do away with the current trees, they will be replanted in a larger space where they can thrive.
Nikalai's concern may be that there aren't many public notices when it comes to the trees in Coconut Grove these days. The ones on Commodore Plaza are still not marked for removal, or I should say, "remarked" the City said they would notify all concerned parties about their plans but so far nothing.
Originally they did have notices placed on trees, but they were placed very poorly and also notices did not go out via email or snail mail to concerned citizens nor TreeWatch or Tree Man Trust, two Grove entities that are concerned about the removal.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Musicians needed for Fete de la Musique
Fete de la Musique the big one-day music event, which is coming to Coconut Grove on the Summer Solstice, Thursday, June 21 is now signing signing up musicians. They have 10 so far plus eight for the bars/restaurants. Rose Max Band is one of the headliners as is Ballet Ferrer (Flamenco)>
The Grove Drum Circle will be part of the big day, and Cache is playing at CocoWalk and they're bringing rock bands and so many other type of musicians. They would love to get as many students, groups and locals as possible to play. The musicians can promote themselves and sell CDs put out a tip bucket, etc.
The Grove Drum Circle will be part of the big day, and Cache is playing at CocoWalk and they're bringing rock bands and so many other type of musicians. They would love to get as many students, groups and locals as possible to play. The musicians can promote themselves and sell CDs put out a tip bucket, etc.
Musicians will be placed at various locations throughout Coconut Grove -- on sidewalks, in courtyards, in restaurants and clubs and the public can stroll about and listen for free.
To sign up, please visit their website here.
To sign up, please visit their website here.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Family Fun Fest in Armbrister Park this afternoon
Today, May 18, from 2:30 to 6:30 pm. The Coral Gables Cavalier Football Team will be collaborating with special guest speaker a their training session. They will be serving food and refreshments along with an ESPN Bounce House and a few other surprises. Please come out and enjoy the afternoon.
It's the 4th Annual Family Fun Fest. The Red and Gray Football event is at Armbrister Park (236 Grand Avenue).
Talk of "cafe parklets" downtown, but we did it first
A press release went out recently about Grand Central Park in downtown Miami spearheading Florida's first "Pavement to Parks" pilot program, where they are going to install "cafe parklets in metered parking spots."
We actually have done that here more than once in Coconut Grove, as shown above.
From the press release: "Three local Downtown businesses, Elwoods Gastropub, The Corner, and Grand Central are participating in the program, which will involve renting two metered spaces in front of each business and placing a wooden deck with railing and planters to increase the outdoor seating area and allow people, rather than cars to occupy the public right of way."
“We are excited to continue the implementation of low cost, high impact urban redevelopment programs such as parklets and pop-up parks that have been extremely successful in major Cities around the country” said Bradley Knoefler, Founder and President of the Omni Parkwest Redevelopment Association Inc.
Here's what we did in Coconut Grove on one of our Parking Days, which is a National Day that happens in September usually. How about giving us some credit guys for doing it all in one day -- setting it all up, including all the sod laying, etc. and then having it all removed by rush hour.
We actually have done that here more than once in Coconut Grove, as shown above.
From the press release: "Three local Downtown businesses, Elwoods Gastropub, The Corner, and Grand Central are participating in the program, which will involve renting two metered spaces in front of each business and placing a wooden deck with railing and planters to increase the outdoor seating area and allow people, rather than cars to occupy the public right of way."
“We are excited to continue the implementation of low cost, high impact urban redevelopment programs such as parklets and pop-up parks that have been extremely successful in major Cities around the country” said Bradley Knoefler, Founder and President of the Omni Parkwest Redevelopment Association Inc.
Here's what we did in Coconut Grove on one of our Parking Days, which is a National Day that happens in September usually. How about giving us some credit guys for doing it all in one day -- setting it all up, including all the sod laying, etc. and then having it all removed by rush hour.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Zumba Girl's Night Out at 24 Hour Fitness
The Grove's 24 Hour Fitness is having an exclusive Zumba Girl’s Night Out on Friday May 18, at 6:00 pm with their newest and one of the best Zumba instructors in the world, Valentina Ferrari.
Their last 1980’s Retro Party was so popular that they brought the them back for Friday's event. Girl's Night Out is free, just RSVP to or stopy by the club and register at the front desk.
24 Hour Fitness is at 2982 Grand Avenue. For info, please call 305-448-2416.
Grove Ink fitting right in with their new surroundings
With the relocation of Grove Ink Tattoo shop from Main Highway to 3062 Grand Avenue, the finalization of the Coconut Grove Red Light District is complete! Well think about it -- the block starts with Maya Hatcha, the "Hippie Store," then goes to Grove Ink, then next to that is the Sandbar Grill, next is Condom USA and then the New Age Piercing, then the Bikini Store, then the hair salon. It's one little block of an entertainment district! Above Paul, is inking Javier.
The new place even has a loft, that's the owner, Noel Garcia up there. The location was formerly shoe stores.
One of my favorite things is the shelf with all the old memorabilia. I love the Happy Days lunch box. And there's a lot of neon, it looks really cool at night right next to the Sandbar. A tattoo shop right next to a college bar? Hmm, perfect location if you ask me. Guess the condom store and the piercing place are doing quite, well, also.
There's a party this Sunday, May 20 to celebrate the new location. Stop by starting at 6 pm for champagne and little nibbly things. Oh yea, Grove Ink's former location at Florentine Plaza on Main Highway is being taken over by a European boutique.
I started a little business called "Personalities," they are cartoon icons of people and their professions, I've done one for Gigi and for Louis, the Grove Ambassador and so many others. I'm thinking they will make great tattoos, not just Facebook and business card icons! You can see the Personality icons here.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Woman's Club holding Bingo Night this week
The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is having another Bingo Night on Thursday, May 17.
Admission is $5 for adults, children under 12 play free. Games start at 7 pm.
It's only $1 per card with a minimum of five games. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be served, there is also a cash bar. Prizes include gifts and gift certificates. The last game is a cash prize of $500 with entire Bingo card in 46 balls.
Ladies, gentlemen, family and friends are all welcome.
The Coconut Grove Woman's Club is at 2985 S. Bayshore Drive, for more info, please call 305-446-2909.
Admission is $5 for adults, children under 12 play free. Games start at 7 pm.
It's only $1 per card with a minimum of five games. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be served, there is also a cash bar. Prizes include gifts and gift certificates. The last game is a cash prize of $500 with entire Bingo card in 46 balls.
Ladies, gentlemen, family and friends are all welcome.
The Coconut Grove Woman's Club is at 2985 S. Bayshore Drive, for more info, please call 305-446-2909.
Gypsy Heart performing Saturday at CocoWalk

The Hungarian-born guitar virtuoso Gyorgy Lakatos is hailed as one of the fastest guitar players in the world. He is joined by two guitarists from Jose Feliciano’s band now touring with Gypsy Heart. Their charismatic music is a cultural blend of Gypsy, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Rhumba, Spanish, and Pop. This show will be powerful and passionate, smooth and sophisticated. Gyorgy has performed, written, and recorded with Jose Feliciano, Bruce Springsteen and Clarence Clemons. Having traveled throughout the world, he now resides in Florida and is making a name for himself in the United States.
Gyorgy is the fifth generation in a long line of world-renown musicians, and he carries on this musical tradition, whether touring with a 3-piece band or a full orchestra. Gyorgy is an accomplished player of the Cimbalom, a century’s old, large stringed dulcimer-type instrument popularized in Hungary that takes skill and years of study, and Gyorgy makes it look easy. He is currently recording his debut album on the iconic Cimbalom. His latest CD, Guitar Bomb, features a song written by the late Clarence “Big Man” Clemons from the E-Street Band; previous CDs include Gypsy Fire and Romance.
Gypsy Heart will be touring Europe this summer and will perform at Miami’s Adrienne Arsht center in December and the Kravis Center in Palm Beach in February. CocoWalk and Bice Bistro invite you join the trance of Gypsy Heart and relish this evening of music and romance, rhythm and fire!
For more information, call 305.444.0777 ext. 214, or visit the Gypsy Heart event page on Facebook.
-- M. Peggy Quattro
"Trade in Your Trash" sale at Adventure Sports
Adventure Sports Miami is hosting the "Trade In Your Trash" sale this Saturday, May 19. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to get into paddle boarding, kayaking, kitesurfing or any other water acitivities this Summer. They'll collect your used up gear, give you a cash value towards it and you can walk out with brand new gear.
They are also offering 40% off their services such as the Kiteboarding lessons. And purchase any combination of Ocean Kayak products with a receipt totaling $799.00 and receive a $100.00 Visa cash card.
Also, their neighbor Crook and Crook will be hosting its annual sale so they will have food trucks, drinks and games for everyone.
Adventure Sports Miami is located at 2750 SW 26 Avenue. The sale runs from 9 am to 6 pm.
They are also offering 40% off their services such as the Kiteboarding lessons. And purchase any combination of Ocean Kayak products with a receipt totaling $799.00 and receive a $100.00 Visa cash card.
Also, their neighbor Crook and Crook will be hosting its annual sale so they will have food trucks, drinks and games for everyone.
Adventure Sports Miami is located at 2750 SW 26 Avenue. The sale runs from 9 am to 6 pm.
David Fairchild, subject of Kampong Lecture
The Kampong Lecture Series concludes for the season with a lecture by David T. Jones, Curator of Living Collections at The Kampong, on David G. Fairchild's tenure as president of the Tropical Everglades Park Assn., tonight, Wednesday, May 16.
One of the issues at the forefront of the effort to establish a national park in southern Florida was curbing the exploitation of unique botanical resources found in this "tropical" paradise. Vandalism was rampant prior to the establishment of the park. The Tropic Everglades Park Association, led by David Fairchild and his successors, worked to see this devastation stopped. The photo featured here - showing an automobile loaded with native orchids and bromeliads stripped from local forests, on its way to nurseries and destinations unknown - was taken in 1915 by Dr. John Kunkel Small (of the New York Botanical Garden) who supported David Fairchild and the Association's efforts.
Learn about this and more through an examination of correspondence, photographs, field reports, and ancillary documents. Hear about David Fairchild's experiences and impressions as president of the highly influential Association, from 1928 through 1930. The politically and emotionally charged campaign led by Fairchild (and later, by Ernest F. Coe) resulted in securing a large portion of the southern Everglades forpreservation and its eventual designation as one of this country's premier natural areas, Everglades National Park.
Gates open at 6:30 pm, lecture starts at 7 pm. Cost is $10 for general public and free to Kampong Fellows and members. Please RSVP by calling 305-442-7169 or emailing
The Kampong is located at 4013 S. Douglas Road.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Now Absolut is getting into the act!
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