Upcoming events include the honorable Rev. Hodge of the Greater Saint Paul AME Church, who will speak at the October 27 meeting on the history and purpose of his church.
On Novemeber 3, Andrea Honore and Father Bernard Griffith of the Christ Episcopal Church will present a history of this long standing institution and the good works they do in the community every day.
At last week's meeting, the Grove Rotary had a joint meeting with the Brickell Rotary Club. Steve Arch introduced guests from Youth Empowerment Social Service, Inc. (YESS) Their goal is to empower failing students and help them pass the FCAT test. Peewee Football has been adopted by YESS to help promote scholastic achievement though football. Our award winning Coconut Grove Knight Riders are supported by Pop Warner Football.
There are 166 kids in the program from ages 4 through 15. It costs $100 per child to keep the program going, if you would like to help, please call Countess Balogun, President and Benefactor (305-582-9094) or Kim Chapman, Program Director (305-924-1778).
The featured speaker and guest of the Brickell Club was Karen Aronowitz, president of the United Teachers of Dade. Ms. Aronowitz presented the teachers concern regarding educational budget cuts in Miami-Dade County. Stripping away funding of the public school system would deter from having a vibrant school system which provides for a safe society. For example, the school libraries are not always open during school hours because the librarian has to teach classes and so help is available. That is the way it is now, what will it be like with further funding reductions.
These reductions further drive down what we provide for our students. Even though Florida ranks poorly in education, Miami-Dade ranks well nationally as a county. There are 21,00 teachers in the system working to provide the education which supports the democracy we all desire to keep.
The Rotary Club is preparing to serve Thanksgiving dinner to the needy on Thanksgiving Day, if you would like to participate, please email Duane Crisp at ddcrisp@msn.com.
Also, ask Duane about Dolphins Rotary Day on December 4. October 31 is the last day to register for this.
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