We received a response from a reader regarding the story on City workers parking without paying the meter:
As an EMS worker for a municipality in South Florida which I admit used this tactic before, I can assure you that they are taking a risk when doing this. I have left my identification card and articles of uniforms like hats or jackets on my dashboard right in front of Laughing Loggerhead numerous times and have come to find out that its a 50/50 chance of getting a ticket or not.
For example I already know South Miami does not care who you work for and will give you a ticket no matter what. It comes down to timing! With all the budget cuts going around meter maids have cracked down on this because tickets issued directly affect job performance and job standing come time for salary cuts. And tickets issued also affects their operating budgets which they get paid from.
This is one of those issues where its who you know in Miami. People in the public sector tend to watch after each other like family. And I view it as a courtesy done by individual meter maids at their own discretion not a rule.
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