300 sailors and their families are in town and many will participate in the hunt in the Center Grove. Registration starts at 6 pm and the hunt is from 8 to 8:30 pm.
The Coconut Buoy Hunt starts at The Bookstore, participants will be given a map with participating merchants where coconuts, painted as buoys will be hidden. They will then run out around the Grove searching for coconuts. Hmmm, sound familiar, guess they liked our annual Fourth of July Coconut Hunt so much they took it. Anyway, you know the drill, they run around, get coconuts and win prizes.
The Grove Merchants Group, supported by the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce and financed by the Business Improvement Committee, has designed and implemented this marketing and events campaign, Sail the Grove: shop, dine & unwind, to support regatta coordinators and sailing centers with wrap around services and to engage these visitors of our sailing centers to eat, drink, sleep and shop in Coconut Grove while branding the Grove as a coastal community for sailors and their families to return to.
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