Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why so much politics over a few speed bumps?

Village Council Member Felice Dubin met with Bridgeport Avenue and 30th Court neighbors about the ongoing traffic issues on their streets over the past couple of months. But not much got done. It's such a waste of time to keep talking about the issue. I was there the other day and sat in the middle of the street for quite awhile -- not one car or truck went by. So I guess just certain hours are when the problems occur.

Police Commander Martin was called in who checked into issues about trucks on Bridgeport. It is a commercial street embedded in a residential area. Gardner's Market was a problem because the back of their store is on Bridgeport, but they have been working with the neighbors to try and not block traffic (and not speed through).

Milam's is also taking corrective steps to have their delivery trucks avoid Bridgeport and 30th Avenue. Home Depot was at fault, too. But they are trying to avoid the streets as well.

The main issue is speeding trucks using the Bridgeport as a shortcut to and from US1. I asked Felice why they can't just put down some speed bumps. She said it isn't that easy. I told her jokingly that I will drop by in the middle of the night with cement in the back of my truck, I'll make a few short stops at either end of the street, the cement will fall out (hopefully in a straight line and a nice mound) and they will have speed bumps. Case closed.

But seriously, is it that hard to get a couple of stupid speed bumps? I don't understand why taxpayers need to beg for simple projects in their neighborhoods. For this small issue, the Village Council is involved, the police, the City the County. The street is one block long. What is the problem here?

I am told that many on Virginia Street don't want the traffic shifted from Bridgeport and 30th Court over to them, so they are part of the inaction on officials' parts. But I don't think speed bumps will shift traffic from Bridgeport and 30th Court, I think it will just slow it down. It's not a street closing, it's speed bumps. The ironic thing is that speed bumps are anywhere and everywhere that they shouldn't be. Why can't they be placed where they should be?

While all these political groups stall, a small child may be hurt, who is going to take the blame then for delaying the project?

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