Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not enough food for the hungry masses

If you were looking for anyone last night, all you had to do was go to Sekai Asian Bistro. The whole village turned out for their free dinner like this group of friends. One problem -- most did not get any dinner. The turnout was just too overwhelming for the staff. I was told they were only anticipating 60 people, I think 600 showed up.

I arrived to step all over Liliana Dones, then fall into Michelle Niemeyer. Martin Zilber and I said hello. I saw Gary Hecht at a table, too, practically the whole Village Council was there. Sue McConnell was at an outside table and my friends Leela and Deese were all the way inside in the back at a table, next to a my friend Q who was with her friends.

My friend Audrey and I pushed our way to the back and joined the others. Basically, what I am trying to say is that it was not a comfortable place to be if you are claustrophobic. It was hot, crowded and foodless.

We did drink though. We attempted to get food, but the line was too long. Town clairvoyant, Ellen got in line behind us and said, "Is this the food line?" I said, "Yes," and she said, "Bye!" and she walked out. She did return for a drink at the back table with us and proceeded to tell me that she has been cyber bullied on her MySpace page -- in French. Never a dull moment with Ellen.

The staff was overworked and going nuts, but they were all polite and doing the best they could despite the overwhelming circumstances. Patrick, above, even took the time to pose for me when I asked. They are all great people there.

This one left over salad plate was basically how it was all night though. No food or only left over food, from the early arrivals.

Anyway, as the food was placed out, one dish at a time, people clamored all around it and snatched it up like rats. My friends were cracking up because every time I tried to get a photo of a plate of food, it was impossible. It went so fast, by the time I got my camera up and ready, there was just an empty plate left.

Sekai Asian Bistro is a great place and I don't think they needed to sell themselves this way. Many people told me that they went because they read it in the Grapevine, so maybe overpublicizing it was not a good thing. Anyway, I'll be back when I can relax and eat like a human being. The food and staff are worth a return trip.

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